This Is Just A Normal Day

Depuis le début

"Who there twinkle toes were you going?" Daisy sticks her hands out at me. "Not now Daisy, also don't call me twinkle toes." I say and run off. I run into the offices and see Nat bending down to look at Coulson's screen. "Natty!" I say running to her. "Har! What's this about Clint?" She says looking at me. Into my soul. It's really creepy. "So crash course Loki, Thor's brother, put a scepter on Clint's chest and his eyes went like blue then he shot my dad," I explain picking out a file off Simmons' desk.

"Excuse me Agent Danvers what do you need?" Simmons says accusingly. "Brieffing Nat on Clint. Why?" I say handing Nat the file. "Well I think since you are in a professional setting you shouldn't  be referring to AGENT ROMANOFF and AGENT BARTON as that," She says snatching the file out off Nat's hand. "Simmons i suggest you give me that file," Natasha says narrowing her gaze at Simmons. "No!" She says holding the file over the short, but fiery, redhead.

"Natasha let's calm down let's not be irra-" I begin before she punches Simmons causing her to drop the file. I pick up the file, "You were irrational!" I look behind her to see Fury and Maria walking towards us. "Run!" We both take off pushing agents out the way. Before Fury calls out, "Simmons an annoying, snobby, genius I'm glad you punched her but we gotta a location on Loki and we need Barton back!"

We both stop dead in our tracks and run towards him. "What's the OP?" I ask as he turns around and starts walking the other way. "You, Romanoff, Captain, Germany, Standard Capture, Secure him," he turns to us, "and don't die." He hands us a file reviewing the mission. I laugh and reply, "A normal day as a normal 15 year old aye?" Nag chuckles in agreement. She's 23 now but I know the red room trains young so I don't doubt she was an assassin at my age probably before.

"And Harley," I look up at him, "No photon fist until Daisy says so." I nod, "DAISY!" she runs into the room, "who did you kill?" They both look at me. Before Nat asks the obvious question, "how many people have you killed?!" I start counting on my fingers. "11...12...13!" Fury says, "13! Since you started training ?" I shake my head. "This month?" I shake my head, "Week!" I nod. Nat blurts out, "HARLEY IT IS TUESDAY!"
"So Daisy can I use my powers on missions?" They look at me like I'm crazy. "Yea sure," Daisy says and turns around and walks out.

           ✨Time skip by my bad writing

"You know last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else we ended up disagreeing," Steve says walking towards him. I grab his shoulder, "Look Rogers a lot of things changed while you were an ice cube. Follow my lead." I blast Loki with my fist knocking him out instantly. "Good job Harley," Nat says over the intercome. The radio starts glitching out and AC/DC starts blasting.

"Hey Agent Romanoff miss me?" Tony says showing up in the suit. "Trust me none of us did!" I yell at him. I hear Loki get up and he runs over to me. As I turn around he tries to put the scepter on me but I grab it throw it to Steve. Swiping his legs he falls to the ground where I put my hands around his neck. "Puny God really," I yell looking at Nat as he tries to break from my grip. I let go and knock him clean out with a punch on the face.

I throw him over my shoulder and walk into the jet where Nat has landed. I toss him on the floor where Tony puts him in handcuffs. "Hey Nat," I say putting on the headphones as I sit on the co-pilot seat. "Hey Harley, Hi Stark," She says looking at Stark. "Hey Rush-Romanoff," He says correcting himself. I chuckle.

A bolt of lightning strikes right by the plane shutting off the power but the engine continues running. "Umm... Tony you know how to fix this right?" Steve says anxiously. "No! I don't know everything!" Tony says and Steve laughs scarily. Natasha chuckles and keeps flying. "Stop flying!" Steve yells.

"Dude," I say standing up, "1, You caught literally NAZIS and your scared of the dark? 2, I know how to fix this." I go to the power box and hotwire the jet. The power comes back on. All of a sudden the door of the jet flies open and my main man Thor rushes in. "Thor! Buddy what you doing here?" I say waking up to him. We start doing our secret handshake. "Hello Harley Furysdottir! I've come to collect my IDIOTIC BROTHER!" Loki rolls his eyes at Thors snarky remark.

"Look Thor, Nat how much longer till we're at base?" I say. "32 minutes ETA," she responds turning the jet. "We only have 32 minutes before we're at base so why don't you just sit down and talk it out with my dad aye?" I suggest. "Yes young mortal I shall do that!" He says before adding, "Does anyone have any pop tarts? I had some in the Newest Mexico and they were quite delicious." I run to the copilot seat and pull a pack of strawberry pop tarts from underneath the seat, "I do!"

"Sorry, You're who's daughter?" Tony says remembering his attempt to pick up the underaged agent. "Fury's. Nick Fury, You know director of SHIELD." I say as his face drops. "He tried to ask you out didn't he?" Nat says. "Yea it was hilarious," I say thinking back, "You should have seen his face he was all like." I mimic his face and Nat bursts out laughing.

"Wait but why don't you. You know. You don't" Tony starts but clears his voice and looks uncomfortable. "Look like him? Well technically he adopted me when I was 13 my real mom is the woman burst through that blockbuster a few years back." His eyes widen, "Captain Marvel?" I think, "I think so not really sure the one who can do this."

I blast an inch away from Loki's head, "Oh sorry Thor." Loki looks at me, "Sorry Thor?! I'm the one who almost died!" Thor pats my shoulder, "It's alright young mortal it wouldn't be horrible if he died anyways." Nat chimes in, "No it would be I need my best friend back or I might use the little will to live I have left." "Yea true," I say

✨Time skip brought by the fact I can't write✨

"I would like to know how he turned two of the sharpest men I know into his own personal flying monkeys," my dad says pacing back and forth. "Monkeys I don't understand?" Thor says before Steve chimes in smiling, "I understand! I understood that reference."

Tony rolls his eyes before speaking, "We have no intel about that scepter." "What about Loki," Bruce who got here about half an hour ago says. "Loki's a bag of cats you can smell the crazy off him," Tony says.Thor looks offended and speaks up, "Loki may be wrong but care for how you speak of him he is of Asgard and he is my brother!" Nat looks at him , "He's killed 80 people in 2 days." Thor opens his mouth but closes it. I speak up, "He's adopted." Nat nods.

Maria walks in and whispers something in Nicks ear. "How?!" He says but only receives a shrug for Hill. "Romanoff?" Nat looks at my dad, "Would you take a jab at breaking Loki?" To which she nods and walks quickly to Loki's cell.

I slide my chair over by Tony, "Move." I push his chair out of the way. "You think just because your the director's daughter you can do anything you want?" Tony says angrily. I slowly lift my head from the computer screen. "Do you have a death wish?" Maria's asks. "Like a weak fifteen year old GIRL cou-" I punch him in the face and turn my head back to the computer watching Nat begin interrogating Loki.


•This is fresh out of academy Simmons I promise she will get more layed back throughout the story
•I changed ages a little bit
•Don't have a love interest yet but I'll figure it out
Writing two stories at the same time so sorry in advance about inconsistent updating


Love You 🩷


Word count:2222

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