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Rain meets her friends at music shows

*The ten members are preparing to sing scent of you korean ver. for the first time*

K:Rain? Are you anxious?

Rain: yes any problems? I am dying.

?: oh god but is it her? I don't believe it

Rain: Now who the hell is he?

*turns and sees Minji from New Jeans*

Minji: hello to you too🥲

Rain: oh god Minji sorry, I have too much anxiety you can't understand.

Minji: I know, but you're the bomb. None of the members have fallen in love with you yet?

Rain: haha ​​what are you saying? we are like a family.

*EJ coughs*

Minji: It was completely random, right? why are you blushing... AHHH GOT IT

Rain: explain to me what you're shouting, good God... who have to sing?

Minji: um... I honestly don't remember.

Fuma: Rain, let's go

Minji: see you later Rain... fighting!!

What if there was a girl in &TEAM- english ver Where stories live. Discover now