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December 14th, 2016.

6 months later.

Time: Around 1:00 PM.


[ ]: Well Sydney, I'll see you soon, probably next week. But you're doing much better, so maybe after the holiday season.

Sydney nodded and started picking up her jacket from off the ground. She had thick fur, but she still liked wearing a light jacket when it was snowing.

Sydney: Okay then. Thanks, Yolay.

Yolay: You're welcome. I am always happy to help anyone. You're free to go now, make sure you leave the door open very slightly.

Yolay wrote some notes in a stack of paper she had in her light blue plastic binder as Sydney got up out of her chair and pushed it into the table. She went towards the door and exited the grayish room, leaving the brown door cracked open.

She had decided to finally call the number Sarah had given her. Well, it was Peter who found the paper and called for her, and he explained the incident that happened years ago that she thought she could get through on her own.

Which she couldn't. She may have thought she could, but seeking help was a healthy decision.

Sydney left the building she was in to be greeted by a bunch of snow on the ground and in the air. Everything looked white from the weather.

Trees dazzled in lights and Christmas decorations were almost all she could see. Thankfully, she had made it to her lab, even though the snow had died down.

She opened the door and stomped on the carpet just to get some snow off of her legs. She called out to Li'l Sydney, who was in the living room watching TV.

The kitten paused the TV and walked out to the house entrance to greet Sydney.

Li'l Sydney wasn't exactly a year older, as it had only been 6 months, but due to a defect in the cloning machine, she will age faster until she is around 18, mentally at least.

She was currently 10-11 years old. At least, physically, a year older than when the previous chapters had taken place.

Li'l Sydney: Hi mama!

Sydney: Hi, kid. Was everything okay while I was gone?

Li'l Sydney: Yep!

Sydney: Nice.

She took her jacket off and went to the kitchen, Li'l Sydney following behind to continue watching the video essay that was playing before.

But before she got into the living room, Li'l Sydney stopped for a moment and decided to say something she'd been thinking about.

Li'l Sydney: Hey, mama?

Sydney: Yeah?

Li'l Sydney: I've been thinking, and since one day I'll be older and an adult, could I go by Sid one day? Not right now, either name is fine, but I think when I'm older I'd like it more.

Book One: Present | Dog Man Dead Petey AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon