Third person POV:

The number you have dialled is currently out of service, please leave a mess—

Jungwon hung up. He put on his puffer jacket and his sneakers and immediately ran out of the apartment complex without an umbrella since it a,ready had stopped raining cats and dogs.

I didn't leave to long ago..I know hyung is still there but...what is this anxious feeling. I need to hurry. Jungwon ran and ran, but what he didn't know was that two other people were tailing after him. Catching up in not even a second. The youngest male was so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't even notice them.

After a long while of running, they finally arrived. But to Jungwons surprise, his grandparents were there. As well as for his eldest Cousine."Grandma...grandpa..what are you doing here?..noona?..what's going..on?" Jungwon let out as he was trying to catch his breath."Jungwon? Where were you?" The young woman who's supposedly Jungwons Cousine asked."Jamie noona...I'll explain later..but..where is Jake hyung? Why isn't he here?" Jungwon tried to get an answer quickly."Dear, did he not tell you?" The grandmother asked.

"I don't understand..." the three family members exchanged a look of worry with each other, until the other two males finally made their appearance."What...what are you two doing here?! Well whatever, I don't have time for that right now. Noona! Please explain! Where. Is. Jake. Hyung." Jungwon kept on urging."Jake left, Jungwon. And we don't know when he'll be back. Heck we don't even know IF he'll be back. Have you not seen the news of him temporarily retiring of his archery career? Temporarily stepping down of his position?" Jamie looked over to her younger Cousin.

"Noona...where is he? Where did he go?" The younger started to cry out again. Jamie looked at him, full of pity.


"Noona, you're here?" Jake asked as he folded his clothes, packing his luggage."Jake, are you sure of this? It's really dangerous If we aren't there and you know that!" Jamie wanted to convince Jake into not leaving."I've already made up my mind, Jamie noona. I'll leave Jungwon in your care, also I'd like you to be so kind into accepting the two parks wholeheartedly. They're good kids." Jake smiled to himself, he found it sweet how his noona was worried for him."Besides, I've practically been trained into living in a world where I've got nothing left. I'll be fine. I need to do this to avenge my parents, and to have revenge for them taking our parents away, leaving such a small Jungwon here, he didn't even have a clue. He had such a hard time growing up without parents." Jake tried to explain, Jamie only listened.

After a while, she finally decided to answer."Jake, you did your best in raising Jungwon. You took upon the role of father AND mother, and damn did you do a good job. Look at where that cutie is at now. It's all because you raised him so know your parents wouldn't want you to avenge them. Auntie and uncle would want you to live a life without regret and full of happiness." She still tried."Noona, I'm alone in this life. I don't deserve all these good things. Anyways enough of this. This is for myself. I'll be happy once I've avenged mom and dad, oh and. Don't tell anyone where i am, what I'm doing and why. Don't tell the people who don't know. Don't talk about it in front of them and don't mention it to anyone. If they ask, just say I left." And with that, Jake closed up his luggage, took his handbag and put it over his left shoulder.

So Jake left. Just like that.

Kang Ji-hye, or also known as Jamie, could only sigh. His Cousin was so young yet he hadn't lived a day where he could genuinely be happy. All she could do was to fulfill his request, taking care of Jungwon and the company. Jamie had already stepped down of the successor position since it has been designated for Jake, but now unsure of that one's future, she'll take on the position until he will return.

Misunderstood too late. || Jakehoon  HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now