They were at the Station Main Hall as they exited out of the elevator by going to the side. Court Region Waterway Hub. The people immediately realized who they were, whispering and looking at them as it's not every day that the Dendro Archon and her son appear in Fontaine. They went and exited out of the hub. Once reaching the outside of the building, they were met with a mesmerizing view of the place that had quite a few Fontanians. Mainly children danced around happily or played by the fountain in the center of the area with an adult watching over them.

"Talk about peace." F/N smiles with content. "Let's not waste any more time now."


"Free dessert is free dessert. There's no way I'm missing out on free meals."


Throughout the walk around Fontaine, it was a hassle as everyone in Fontaine knew of the Dendro Archon and her son which resulted in hearing a few whispers here and there.


The mother and son duo have arrived at Palais Mermonia. It took quite a bit to arrive at the building as it's at the highest point of the Court of Fontaine. Besides the fact that all administrative affairs in Fontaine are handled there, it's also where the office of Neuvillette lies.

After speaking with Sedene, a Melusine who was behind a desk, they told her that they were there due to an invitation that Neuvillette sent out to them. After reading over the invitation they brought along, Sedene went ahead to verify by going into Neuvillette's office and came out with a nod of approval as they were let in.

Greeting them immediately was Furina who smiled proudly as she sat on one of the couches in Neuvillette's office with one leg crossed over the other. Neuvillette himself was sitting at his desk as he looked up after hearing the door to his office open and Furina's loud voice.

Getting up from his chair he walked over to the mother and son to greet them.

"It has been a while you two. I take it you've received my invitation?" Neuvillette asked the obvious toward them.

"Monsieur Neuvillette." Nahida greeted the man. "Seems like you've set up the dessert already." She looked over at the table where Furina was as she sat idly on the couch with a cup of coffee that she drank.

"I wonder if it's a form of Clairvoyance you have. It's almost as if you knew we would arrive today as soon as we saw the letter." F/N told the man.

"Each time an invitation is sent out, the two of you arrive quickly. It's not a surprise to me that you'll arrive fast to Fontaine as you can travel anywhere at ease with your portals." Neuvillette told him. "Lady Furina was growing impatient waiting for your arrival. It's a surprise to see that you didn't arrive directly at my office."

"I am a lady. Do not feed them lies saying I was growing impatient." Furina huffed at Neuvillette's words. "Now then, what was the holdup?" She asked as she saw the three come sit down by the table that was filled with many desserts and cups of coffee that were still warm.

"There's no time limit to when we're supposed to arrive you know? What if we were busy and couldn't come today? You would have to eat all these desserts and not let them go to waste." F/N told Furina as he sat down on the couch where Furina was. Nahida sat down beside him and Neuvillette sat alone on the opposite of the three. "We decided to take the boat ride over here and take our time." He decided to answer her regardless.

"A ride huh? You just wasted a lot of time when we could be at your world—I-I time is valuable you know?" Furina said after she coughed a bit as she played cool.

"Right..." F/N deadpanned at the obviousness as he grabbed a plate with a slice of cake and scooped up a piece with his fork. He placed the plate on his lap as he munched on the piece of cake. "Oh. That's good stuff alright." Having been over to Neuvillette's office for dessert multiple times with Nahida, he has come to learn to eat at any time he wants. In the past, he controlled himself to be composed and professional and ate only when he noticed the others doing so. It was proper manners because he wasn't that close to Neuvillette and Furina yet. Only when their relationship grew he began to slowly act like himself. He also learned because one time Furina caught him simply staring at the desserts.

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