The only solace from the suffocating lack of control in Jade West's life was art—her sanctuary, her haven. In the corridors of Hollywood Arts, amidst the bustling chaos and unnoticed by most, her imagination was her refuge.

Since the clandestine inception of her plan, Jade dove headlong into research, immersing herself in a world of vocal technique improvements, acting nuances, and, somewhat obsessively, the art of kissing.

At sixteen-and-a-half, the weight of never having kissed anyone hung around her like an unwelcome shroud. The thought was both a blush-inducing embarrassment and a determined resolve. She adamantly refused to leave this world with lips untouched. If fate deemed her life to end prematurely, she vowed it wouldn't be with the innocence of a virgin kiss.

Her mind meticulously crafted the perfect scenario—a white dress, her favorite, cascading curls held in place by spritzes of Chanel, an ensemble carefully curated for the momentous occasion.

The Hollywood sign seemed fitting, a place both iconic and cliché. Despite its overt familiarity, its lofty perch granted a sense of grandeur that Jade found alluring. She toyed with the idea of a dreamy garden, one plucked from the pages of cherished books or scenes of classic movies, yet reality nudged her back to the more accessible and pragmatic choice.

But beyond the romantic setting and the pursuit of that elusive first kiss, lay a deeper yearning within Jade's heart. It wasn't just about the physical act; it was about feeling loved, cherished, and, most importantly, seen. In a life where she often felt like a mere shadow in the background, this was her chance to step into the light, if only for a fleeting moment.

So, she continued to plan, meticulously plotting each step toward her aspirations, not just for a kiss but for the affirmation she craved—a chance to rewrite the script of her life, to carve out a moment where she could be the protagonist, not just a supporting player.

(ON HOLD) jade decides to die → victoriousKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat