Day 16: A Car Ride - Tyler/Anthony bromance

Start from the beginning

"Well, Anthony and I can help some, I know he's been excited to play with the kids. After dinner we'll watch the kids for an hour or so while you two go get a shower and whatnot," he offered and Brock frowned hesitant.

"Are you sure? You're only visiting for the night, I don't want to make you babysit," he asked and Tyler shrugged, looking down as Brock's daughter moved to sit next to him on the couch.

"It's an hour or so, they'll be slowing down after a meal I'm sure, and you two need this. You're our friend you know, what good are we if not to help when we can? That's why Anthony's in there helping Lauren finish dinner," he said and Brock finally nodded.

"I really appreciate it, it's been a little while since we've had showers that were longer than 5 minutes," he said and Tyler grinned. "Then you two can go take some 30 minute showers, relax and take some time for yourselves. We'll turn some Bluey on loud," he said with a wink and Brock rolled his eyes.

"Yeah that's not happening, just showers," he said amused and Tyler laughed.

Lauren called them to dinner then and Tyler carried Brock's daughter into the kitchen, settling her in her chair while Lauren set the kids' plates down.

Tyler told Anthony quietly what he offered to Brock and Anthony easily agreed, sitting by Brock's son in his highchair and helping Brock feed him. Tyler held a fascinating conversation with Brock's daughter, not understanding half the words she said but responding by what he felt was okay.

After dinner Anthony took over clean up and Tyler took the kids, pushing Brock and Lauren from the room. They vanished and Tyler set the TV up with Bluey, laying some blocks and rattles for the baby.

He sat on the floor in between them, keeping his attention alternating between them. Anthony walked in about 15 minutes later, sitting on the couch behind them.

Brock's daughter got off the floor and crawled into Anthony's lap, talking excitedly away about the show. Anthony nodded along, asking little questions though Tyler knew he didn't know a single thing she was talking about.

Tyler heard a little noise come from the baby, eyes widening as he looked down at him. His little face was bright red and Tyler said, "Oh no."

"What?" Anthony asked and Tyler picked the baby up, making a face at the smell that came from him. "He just shit, and I've never changed a diaper," he said and Anthony laughed.

"I've never changed one either, but I've seen it done. Come one, we'll figure this out," he said amused, picking Brock's daughter up as Tyler followed them down the hall.

"Where's your brothers room chicka," Anthony asked Brock's daughter and she pointed to a door, Anthony opening it and sticking his head in. "Yep, here we are. Bring him here Tyler," he said and Tyler did so, laying him carefully on the table.

Anthony walked Tyler through the diaper change, Tyler making a face at the smell. But he got him clean and he was pretty sure he got the diaper on right. He rebuttoned the onesie and picked him up, the baby giggling as Tyler blew a raspberry on his stomach.

"What's going on?" They heard and Tyler turned, seeing Brock standing there. "He blew a load, but we got it clean," Tyler said as Brock took the baby, Anthony having taken and wrapped the dirty diaper and thrown it away.

"You could have come gotten one of us, we would have changed him," Brock said amused and Tyler shrugged. "I promised an hour, and it's just a diaper. You feel better at least?" He asked and Brock nodded, smiling gratefully.

"I am. Lauren is finishing her shower now and it's time for me to get these two to bed. Then we can hang out a bit, yeah?" He said and Tyler nodded, grinning.

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