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No one expected it to happen. No one would have guessed.

Michael was running around on stage, enjoying his second night in London. Everything was perfect. The fans, the lights, everything.

He ran up to one of the boxes, propping his foot up. Suddenly the fire shot at Michael, making him jump back.

He shook his head as he smelt burning hair. He quickly ran off the stage and into a worried looking crew.

The other band members, however, failed to notice the absence of their beloved guitarist.

Michael was backstage, having burn cream all over his face. It hurt so bad. Searing pain was all he felt on his left side. And god, it just fucking hurt.

He started to cry when he heard the shouts of his other band mates. "Ash, you go tell the fans what happened. Cal, go call management." Luke yelled, running to his boyfriend.

"Hey, Hey, Hey. It's okay baby boy. You're okay, sweetheart. You're okay." Luke cooed at the older boy, making him curl into Luke as he pulled him into his lap.

"It just hurts.." Michael whispered. "I know, Love. We're going to the hospital soon."

And with that, Michael passed out from exhaustion and pain.


When Michael woke back up, half of his face was bandaged. He took out his phone and looked in the mirror. He also had a purple wrap around his head.

His face didn't hurt as much but it still stung slightly. He knew there would be scars for weeks.

Suddenly, all three of his remaining band members walked in the hospital door. "Hi, Mikey." Calum greeted, walking over to him.

"How are you feeling?" Ashton asked, joining him. "I'm okay, I guess." He mumbled, making grabby hands at Luke's hands.

Luke intertwined them, running his thumb over his knuckles soothingly. He pressed a little kiss there, which made Michael blush.

"We can go now, since your burn is wrapped up. We have the cream and stuff." Calum chimed in, holding up a small bag.

Michael smiled, standing up, all four of them leaving.

Michael signed out, the receptionist wishing him well. They all made their way out of the hospital, seeing fans at the front. They walked, the fans screaming and asking if he was okay and that they loved him.

He didn't want any pictures so he just hurried down the street since their hotel wasn't very far.

When they got to the hotel, he saw more 'fans'. This time, they weren't so nice. They started booing at him, and yelling horrible things to the black haired boy.

He tried to ignore it as he and the other boys made their way up the elevator. The door shut just as Michael got on leaving the other three to catch the other one.

He was glad. He didn't want to be reminded that he ruined the show.

The elevator came to a stop, Michael leaving and pulling out his room card at the door.

He slammed the door, and threw off his clothes, swapping them for one of Luke's huge sweaters. It fell past his knees and he just decided to crawl under the covers and wallow in self-defeat.

He pulled the covers over himself and curled into them, a couple tears springing up due to his face still aching and his heart hurting because he let the fans down.

All he could think about was the angry fans and the "fans" downstairs. He just wanted to shut off his head and go to sleep.

Before he knew it, a couple more tears rolled down his pale cheeks and he couldn't help it. He let out heart-wrenching sobs that echoed throughout the whole room.

He became quieter once he heard the loud talking of the boys. "Yeah. I'll make sure he's okay. Night guys." He heard Luke speak. The door opened and Michael's back was to him.

Michael was still crying and shaking, wanting to just be left alone. "Mikey?" Luke asked, stepping closer to the pale boy.
He didnt want to do it but he showed his tear stained face and his watery eyes to his boyfriend

"L-Luke." Michael choked out, making grabby hands to the boy next to him. "Oh, Mikey." He whispered, heart broken.

That just made Michael start to cry harder, letting out sobs once again. He knew his boyfriend was upset with him. He just knew it.

Luke slipped off his shoes and climbed into bed, pulling the dark haired boy closer. Michael buried his face in his neck, Luke's hands rubbing his back.

"I fucked up the show." He cried out, curling more into the blonde. "No Michael. It was an accident. They understand." Luke cooed, running a hand through a bit of Michael's hair.

Michael shook his head and Luke detached his face from his, now wet, neck. "Michael, listen to me." He said, pulling them up. They both sat cross legged as Michael stared down at his lap.

Luke grabbed the non-damanged side of Michael's face, him lifting his eyes to meet the frosty blue of his boyfriend's.

"You did not ruin it. I can promise you that. Those fans downstairs, are not our real fans. Our fans are understanding and supportive. We all care for you Michael. Accidents happen. The fans care more for your health than a show, baby boy.
I love you, alright? We all do. And we're all here for you." Luke said, pecking his boyfriend's lips.

Michael let out a cry and launched into his Luke's strong arms. He just cuddled into his boyfriend, intertwining their legs as Luke laid them down. "I love you, Lukey." Michael whispered.

"I love you more, sweetheart. Even with the bandages, you're still the most beautiful little thing I've ever laid my eyes on." He said, pecking his boyfriend's forehead.

Michael peered up at him through his eyelashes, smiling softly. "You're too good to me. I love you alot, lukey." He whispered, repeating what he said earlier. He connected their lips together in a soft kiss.

"Not as much as I love you." Luke cooed at the boy nestled into his neck. He giggled softly at Luke and played with his fingers, drifting off into a daze.

"Goodnight, baby boy." Luke said quietly, one final time. With that, the blonde got more comfortable without waking up the exhausted boy in his arms.

With that, he fell into unconsciousness alongside his boyfriend.

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