Miss Bellum: (opens the door) I... T-Tell them to delay it. I still need to review what you just gave me. I will be in my room for now.

Miss Bellum entered the room and closed the door. She looked around the room and locked on the mayor's chair. Miss Bellum went to the chair, put the paper sheets on the desk, sat on the chair, and looked around the room again.

Miss Bellum: (sighs tiredly) I don't deserve this position. What would the mayor have said in this situation?

Miss Bellum looked at the paper sheets and hesitantly took one paper sheet to read. However, the phone rang before she could do it.

Miss Bellum: (presses a button on the phone) Yes?

Assistant 2: Madam Mayor, I know you are busy, but your appointment will start any minute now; I was just informed the guests have entered the building. Do you want to delay it to get ready, or are you ready right now?

Miss Bellum: Hmm, can you make tea for the guests, too?

Assistant 2: I am afraid the tea won't be ready for everyone on time.

Miss Bellum: Then I am ready right now.

Assistant 2: Very well, madam mayor.

Miss Bellum grabbed the paper sheets and put them inside the desk cabinet. As she closed the cabinet, there were three knocks on the door.

Miss Bellum: Come in.

The door opened. Entering the room were 13 Yakuza gangsters, three of them being Takeru Genkei, the silly-but-menacing-looking gangster (see episode 10), and Hiroto Hayashi.

Miss Bellum: (a little nervous) Wha-? What are you doing here?

Shortly after, 6 men in black suits and shades entered the room, one of them being the same man with the blond hair that shot Mojo Jojo.

Miss Bellum: (stands up) What is the meaning of this?

As soon as Miss Bellum finished her sentence, slow clapping sounds came from outside the room, getting closer. The man who entered the room and clapped was none other than Damien, who stood in the middle of the room afterward.

Damien: Congratulations on your promotion, Miss Bellum! (inhales) Or is it madam mayor now? Madam Bellum?

Miss Bellum: M-Miss Bellum is fine. Is this supposed to be the appointment right now?

Damien: Correctamundo.

Miss Bellum: That's quite the amount of guests for a simple appointment, don't you think? Not to mention, they're Yakuza.

Damien: Oh, don't mind them; they're just, uh, the crowd; let's call it that way.

Miss Bellum: ...

Damien: So, shall we start, Miss Bellum?

Miss Bellum: (sighs) Have a seat (sits).

Damien went to the opposite chair and sat in front of Miss Bellum.

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