chapter 6

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It's early morning kairav woke up and sat to check the emails bcuz he has the habit of checking emails after waking up and before going to bed

And he saw email with name Aarohi he was suddenly exited at the same time neverous after all those years she remembers her Bhai now he clicked and opened it after reading it

Kairav was speechless after reading his sister's email. He had so many questions and so many emotions that he didn’t know where to start. He wanted to know the whole story behind Aarohi’s mysterious disappearance and about her new daughter Ruhi. He was curious and excited at the same time at the prospect of finally meeting his niece.

When Kairav shared Aarohi's email with his family, they all went into celebration mode. Everyone was so happy and excited that Aarohi was finally coming home. His grandparents tearfully talked about the years they had spent wondering and praying for her safe return. They couldn’t wait to meet their granddaughter and hear Aarohi’s story.

Kairav was overjoyed at the prospect of being a big brother and having a niece. He couldn’t wait to shower Ruhi with love and see how much she had grown. He also looked forward to learning the truth behind his sister’s disappearance and what she had been up to in all these years.

The family was counting down the days until Aarohi and Ruhi arrived. The anticipation was high and it seemed like six long years were nothing for them. Everyone was eager to finally welcome Aarohi back into their arms and embrace the new addition to the family.

Kairav informed to birla family too

After akshu cuted the call  she was shocked to know that her sister is coming back with her daughter backthen after aaru  left the house.  She got to know that she was not lying about her pregnancy

She still remembers that day clearly

When Neil confronted Aaru with the accusation, Arohi burst into tears. She told them that she was, in fact, pregnant with their child, but Neil didn't believe her. Heartbroken, Aru then decided to leave India without a trace, convinced that even her own family didn't believe her.

When Akshu found out that she had been wrong, she felt guilty and ashamed. She was devastated and called Neil to beg for his forgiveness, but he refused to talk to her. He told her that her accusation had made his wife so upset that she had to leave, and he was furious with her.

Everytime Akshu thought about it, she feltheartbreaking guilt. Not only had she wrongfully accused her aaru, but she had chased her away when she was so vulnerable. Akshu knew that things could never go back to the way they had been, and it was too late to apologize.

Akshu was worried. What had happened in  yesterday? Had Neil chased her away? Had he scolded her? All these thoughts raced through her mind as she sat in silence.

Due to over stressed akshu has lost her one baby among the twins and abhimanyu also started hating Aarohi bcuz in his opinion it's was aaru fault to live house for the some small matter. Because of her he lost his loving brother and his one unborn baby girl

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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