Chapter: 2

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He was in a fan meeting with millions of people in front of him. Everything was going fine until his singing was interrupted by a bottle thrown at his face from the crowd. Everybody was in shock and his fans and staff were concerned. The staff came to his side to see if he was fine. His lips were bleeding. He told he was fine and continued singing. His fans told him to stop and go see if he was really fine. The show was stopped and he was backstage with an icepack on his lips. The guards missed the person who threw the bottle and they got away.

On his way back he was surrounded by the media asking if he was fine. He curled himself and walked through the crowd. The guards shoved the media away from him. He was finally back at his house, as expected a bottle of yogurt was waiting for him but today he had two and medicine for his wound. He picked it up and figured out that the person was a fan at the fan meeting.

All his public activities were temporarily stopped for his safety. They were still trying to catch the person who threw the bottle. He made a post on his Instagram story saying that he was fine.

The next morning he got out wearing a hat and mask heading to the convenience store at his apartment complex to get some food. He picked out his items and placed them at the cashing counter. The cashier billed all his stuff and told the total. He dug through his pockets, only to realize he left his wallet at his apartment. He apologized and turned to get it. He was stopped by someone. He turned around to see Seo Jun. He paid for his items and handed the bag to Day.

Day thanked him and invited him to have a drink as a show of gratitude as he did many things helpful to him. This time around Seo Jun agreed and followed him. Day opened the door to let him in. Seo Jun's heart raced knowing where he was. He calmed himself down and got in. He sat down at the couch, eyes wandering the big and spacious place. Day came with two shot glasses and bottles of soju. He asked him if he could drink. Seo Jun nodded awkwardly. He poured the drink for both of them and sat down next to him. He asked Seo Jun's age to get to know him a little bit more. Seo Jun replied to him

"I'm 21"

Day looked at him shocked. He was not expecting him to be 5 years younger than him.

"whoa, really? I thought you'd be around my age"

Seo Jun awkwardly laughed to him

"So which major are you in?"

"I'm... a dropout"

"I'm.. sorry I didn't mean to"

"no it's fine, I dropped out to take care of my little sister and my business"

"oh, you have a sister? I have a younger brother "

"yeah, her name is Kang Seo Yeong"

"Wait Kang? Why are your surnames different?"

"She's my step sister. My mom passed away due to an illness and my dad married her mom and she...left for someone else. My dad was too busy to take care of Seo Yeong"

Day ah'ed at his remarks. Seo Jun then stated how his sister loved him and was a big fan.

Day asked her age and told that she was 17 years old. He was kind of shocked to know how young Seo Jun was while taking care of his sister. He took care of his 4 year old sister since he was 7. Day asked for his number to break the ice and Seo Jun couldn't believe what was happening, he happily gave his number. After some time of getting to know each other they got along really well. They came to know that their personalities were quite polar.

An hour passed of them just talking and drinking. 5 bottles of soju were empty at that mark. Day leaned back his head on the couch closing his eyes for a moment. Seo Jun eyed his neck gulping. Unconsciously word slipped out of his mouth

"Hyung, Can I kiss you?"

Day looked at him drunk and confused. Seo Jun snapped out and apologized. He stood up to leave. A hand held him back. Day looked at his eyes. He slowly blinked at him holding his hand back. He said in a low voice

"Are you also going to leave me?"

Seo Jun paused. He turned around to see him on the verge of tears. He knelt down and looked at him with assurance. He softly said holding his face in his palms

"Even if the whole world hates you, I will still love you"

Day was mesmerized by his words and voice. He grabbed his neck and leaned in. Seo Jun covered his lips and Backed off

"hyung, you're drunk"

"Am I?"

He said teasingly tilting his head, Hands around Seo Jun's neck. Seo Jun told him to go to sleep. He put his arm around his neck and stood him up heading to his room. He put him down on the bed. He gazed at him sleeping. Day turned around facing him. Their faces were only inches apart.     

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