(Ep05) Roomates? (suggestive)

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(Contains suggestive/adult content...
So If you don't like It, just don't read It!!!!)

After a while Sun walked away and climbed up to the balcony, hiding the rose from Moon.
He put the rose under his bed, then walked away.

-A few days later-

Moon sees Sun and Eclipse talking.
He asks: What are you two talking about?
Eclipse: *smiles* We umm... Thought about... Maybe- me and Sun could.... be in one room? *Looks away*
Moon raises an eyebrow at them.
Moon: You sure?
Sun: Y-yeah....
Moon: And... Why?
Sun: Just... Because why not?
Moon: Okay... Sure. *death stare at Eclipse*
Sun: Yayyy!!!! *hugs Moon* Thank you SO much!!!
Moon: Okay, okay... Now let go off of me.

(Interesting fact: Moon doesn't really like phisical contact.)

Eclipse talks to Lunar about the room change and he nods.
So, now Lunar and Moon will sleep up in the balcony, and Sun and Eclipse will sleep down in the room.

-Later that afternoon-

Sun was packing away the clothes in the room, while humming.
Then Eclipse walked in...
Sun looked back.
Sun: Hello Eclipse! *waves* What brings you here?
Eclipse didn't answer, he closed the door and locked It...
Sun looks a bit confused.
Sun: Why did you locked the door? .... Eclipse?
Eclipse still didn't answered, while coming closer to Sun...
Sun: Wha-?

Sun's pov:
I felt his hands on my back, and I started to blush.
I didn't know what to do, or what does he want...
Then he leaned closer to me, and kissed my neck.
I felt strange... He then pulled me more closer to him, as he now started biting it.
Sun: E-eclipse~ A-ah~ W-what are you d-doing?
Eclipse backed away a little.
Eclipse: Kissing you?
He looked a little suprised.
Eclipse: Don't you like it?~ Sunny~
Sun: I mean... I didn't hate it....
Then I blushed as I said that.
Eclipse then smiled at me and picked me up in his four hands. Bringing me to somewhere...
Then he threw me on the bed, then he jumped in front of me.
And he is slowly crawling on top of me...
Sun: U-ummm... W-what are you-
Eclipse: Shhh....
Said as he covered my mouth.
Eclipse: Are you ready for some fun?~~

(To be continued... I'm lazy. :')   )

Eclipse X Sun AU Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz