Chapter 3

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*Timeskip to a week*

"So Y/n have you found a club to join yet?"Juno asked. No, I haven't, is it required to join one?" You added on.

"It's not necessarily required, but we're just wondering if you're going to join one," Hana stated. "I never really thought about it actually, do you think I should join one?" You asked.

Your teacher came up behind you and said "It'd be wise of you to do so Y/n."

You perked up in surprise and turned to your teacher. She giggled and nodded. "Joining a club would be beneficial, It helps you socialize with people and do something you enjoy," your teacher added.

"Are there any activities or sports you like Y/n?" Sana asks. You took a bit of time to think about it. You weren't that good at things like Art and performing arts, to be quite frank you weren't very fond of those types of things either. The only thing you had in mind was volleyball. You'd say you weren't the best, but you were good at it. You always played whenever you could, especially with Daichi.

"Do you not have anything you want to do Y/n?" Hana and Juno questioned. "Oh sorry no I do, I was just lost in thought," you stated.

Well what is it then Y/n, if you do have something you like to do I think you should give it a try," your teacher added. "I like volleyball a lot, but I don't know if I'm qualified to try," you murmured.

Sana gasped, "I'm gonna try for volleyball, we can try together Y/n!" she yelped.

"DID SOMEONE SAY VOLLEYBALL!" someone screeched. As Yamamoto forcibly opened the classroom door he runned up to you group of girls and asked, "Are you ladies going to try out for volleyball too?"

"Yamamoto, next time you do that you might as well get yourself a detention slip!" your teacher prompted. I'm so sorry Miss Yuki, it won't happen again," Yamamoto said as he bowed towards Miss Yuki.
"Anyway about volleyball, are you guys going to try out?" Yamamoto urged.

"I am, I enjoy the sport a lot. Y/n was thinking of trying out too," Sana stated.

"You are too Y/n!?!" Yamamoto questioned. You looked up at Yamamoto, smiling at your joyful friend.
"I'm not sure if I want to yet, I'm not the best at it," you said.

"Just because you're not good at something Y/n, doesn't mean you shouldn't give it a try," Miss Yuki added. Everyone nodded in agreement to what Miss Yuki said.

"She's right Y/n I think you'll totally make it onto the team," Hana commented.

"I'm going to think it through, but thank you all for the support though," you uttered.

"Great to hear it Y/n," Miss Yuki said.
As the lunch break ended, more of your classmates started filing back into the classroom. Your group of friends dispersed back to their seats as Miss Yuki settled everyone down and started the lesson straight away. But you couldn't get the thought of trying out for volleyball out of your mind. You had a lot of thinking to do.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

As you were walking back to your apartment, you were still stuck with the thought of volleyball embedded into your head. You groaned "Why is it so hard to figure out what I want to do!" you bawled.

You went up the stairs of your apartment complex in exhaustion. Hastily getting inside, and collapsed onto the couch. You take a moment, turning your head and facing the TV, you see in the corner of your eye a picture of Daichi and you.

Then an idea popped into your head, you could ask Daichi for advice on what to do. You quickly got up and grabbed your phone, immediately calling Daichi.

You waited in anticipation as the phone was buzzing, waiting for him to answer the phone. Then he picked up.

"Hey, Y/n what's up? Are you ok?" He questioned. "Hey Chi, no nothing is wrong. I just wanted your opinion and advice on something," you stated.

"Alright then, what's on your mind sis?" Daichi asked.
"I want to try out for the volleyball club, but I don't know if I should Chi," you murmured.

"Why aren't you sure Y/n? We used to play all the time, and you were on a middle school team as well," Daichi mentioned. I know but with this powerhouse school, I find myself unqualified and to be quite frank, afraid," you said.

"Oh Y/n you're perfectly capable of joining it. In a way it'll help you make more friends too, most of mine are on my volleyball team you know," Daichi chuckled. The silence showed that you were really serious about it. Daichi could tell by how quiet you were.

"Look Y/n I know it's tough, but I think you'll do great, why don't you test your skills before tryouts even happen," Daichi said. "I think you should start there, I know you can do it," Daichi encouraged.

You took a minute to process it, your brother always found ways to make you feel better. It wasn't a bad idea either, to test how far you've come in volleyball.

"Alright Chi, I think I'll do that, thanks for the advice," you replied. "Anytime little sis, I'd like to talk more but I got to go, keep me updated on volleyball ok?" Daichi said.

"I will Chi, don't worry. I'll probably need more advice from you later anyway," you giggled. "Alright then I'll talk to you later sis, don't forget to call mom and dad too," Daichi mentions.

"I never forget to call them Chi. Anyway yeah talk to you later Chi," you said. As you both said your goodbyes, you hung up the phone and sat on the couch once more.

Daichi's words of wisdom surely encouraged you to at least try. You remember Sana pointing out the volleyball gyms not too long ago. You thought to perhaps go there early and practice a little, to see how good your skills are.

𝒦𝒾𝓉𝓉ℯ𝓃 - (𝖪𝗎𝗋𝗈𝗈 𝗑 𝖿𝖾𝗆 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋)Where stories live. Discover now