I can't help but fall back into his trap every time.


"We're here," Kendra says, breaking the fifteen minutes long awkward silence.

I look through the window of the bus and see that we aren't moving anymore. The ride didn't feel like three hours.

"Already?" I mutter.

Everyone stands in a queue to get out, Kendra and I are the last ones to leave the bus.

As we come out on the gravelled road, I strech my body out, just like everyone else does.

Sitting three hours without a pee break, is pretty exhausting.

"I am very disappointed." Kendra says, eyeing the building in front of us.

"Why?" I ask confusingly, and let out a small laugh.

"For a mental hospital, it isn't creepy at all. Such an disappointment."

"Did you seriously think mental hospitals nowadays, would look just like they did like fifty years ago?" I roll my eyes and chuckle.

"Let me have my imagination." She says, crossing her arms on her chest.

"Sure whatever," I smirk.

As the conversation end, I decide to take my time to examine the place.

We're literally in the middle of nowhere yet somewhere.

I look back on the road from the direction we came from, then in front of us and it seems like the road never ends.

Behind me are the woods, creepy but I love it, and in front of me is a one and a half metre high iron fence that surrounds the big mental hospital.

The hospital doesn't look any different from any other hospital. Hence, the hospital looks so friendly with its beige facade around it and the grass so green and clean. Usually when someone mentions a mental hospital, people imagines a haunted house with crazy people in it, and it just the way i imagined it. I kind of agree with Kendra that this was an disappointment, so I don't blame her, but we have to be a little down to earth when it comes to this.

After standing under the hot sun for ten minutes, a man dressed in white - what looks like nursing clothes - approaches the fence before opening it up for us.

Everyone walks in on the other side of the fence and stays surprisingly quiet.

"Hi and welcome to Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital. I'm Dr. Richard Bracewell, I'm an employee at this mental institution but I'll also be your guide throughout the day." Dr. Bracewell says and sends everyone a smile.

"Before we go inside, I have to make sure your teacher has informed you with the rules that must be obeyed," he says looking at Mr. Johnson for approval.

And mr. Johnson nod in response.

"Alrighty then, let's go inside,"

The glass doors automatically slid at each side, as we walk inside.

The inside of the hospital is just as friendly looking as it looks on the outside. It's like standing in a big living room with an elevator and many rooms.

It's clean and looks like a home for elders, except for only elders there's people in all ages with all sorts of mental illnesses.

Some nurses or whatever they're called when working on such place at this, walk back and forth with big steps, as if they have so much to do. Though, the only thing I hear is the TV the patients calmly are watching.
To me, the patients seem like any other healthy person. Yet again it's not like I imagined it; you know, insane people, running around, breaking things in such place as this. They're just sitting there, minding their own business.

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