The Third Girlfriend is here!

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We Opened back up at the Roof at School where You were introducing Shizuka to Hakari and Karane, who of course had different reactions.

Y/n: So, since you guys are Classmates, you might Already know each other but just in case these two are Hakari-San and Karane-San.

Hakari: Please to meet you.

Karane: Yeah... Nice to Meetcha.

Y/n: And This is Shizuka-Chan.

Shizuka: "Same here. It was A Pleasure to meet you all."

Y/n: Shizuka-Chan, speaks From the Lines of her Favorite Book, and for more Details going back to two chapters Ago.

Karane: Don't cheat on your explanation with A Straight face!

Y/n: On the top of the entire script for the Story I also added the Classmates names in. Go Take A Look.

Shizuka: "It is My Humble Pleasure. Y/n-Kun, Hanazo-Dono, and Inda-Dono."

Karane: What's up with Dono? San is Just fine. Just San.

Y/n: Hehehe, reminds me of Kine'mon from One Piece, with how he calls Luffy "Luffy-Dono". It's Cute when she does it. Anyways Shizuka-Chan is Part of the student Library staff. She Loves Books and one of her charms would be her Toes when she's reading! Her Toes Moves in Accordance with the scene she's reading. It's Kinda Like a Puppy wagging its Tail or more precisely she can't hide her feelings and I find that really endearing~

Shizuka: (Shocked/Blushing/ In thoughts) E-Even I didn't know I did something like that... But He did...!?

Y/n: While we're on the Topic of charms Hakari has the Habit of putting her Finger in between her Lips when she's thinking and when she's completely absorbed in it, she'll nibble her finger. It's so sexy that my heart actually skips A Beat~

Hakari: (Shocked/Blushing/ In Thoughts) Huh!? Do I really do some4thing so scandalous...!?

Y/n: When Karane is Happy but acting all embarrassed because she got praised, she'll twirl the tip of her pigtails with her finger. That Gap between her Usual self and when she's being all girl is Unbearably Cute~!

Karane: (Shocked/ Blushing/ In Thoughts) Twirl my Hair!? Me!?

Girls: (Pink Faced/ Thoughts) H-HOW MUCH DOES HE PAY ATTENTION ME!!!!?

Hakari: How do you even notice such things so easily about each of us?


Karane: (Blushing) BE MORE SERIOUS! I-It's Not Like a Like your Humor! Understand!

Y/n: Well on the other Hand that's not all! Hakari Puckers her Lips A Bit when she's Kissing and Karane gets so frantic when she kisses that she actually forgets to breath those are all-.

Shizuka: "S-Surely you do not mean that you have exchanged A Smooch with one Another!! A Smooch is what is Known as A Smooch is it not!? My Apologies! I have let my embarrassment show. I now understand your Lips have already made contact..."

Y/n: Are you by Any chance Interested in that Kinda stuff as well Shizuka Chan?


Y/n: GOD!?

Shizuka: "My Apologies."

Y/n: It's fine Shizuka-Chan whether they've done it or not has Nothing to do with you. I don't mind dating at your Pace. I would prefer to that stuff when You're ready for it., Shizuka-chan.

100 Girlfriends who really Love You! (Autistic MR X The 100 Girlfriends)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang