How the police got the Kamado's pic🧐

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A/N: I realized I kinda needed to clear this up, cuz, if Tanjiroach and Nezuko are so good at not leading any suspicions to them, how'd someone take a pic? Here's the answer😘

This event takes a year-ish before the first chapter starts.

The two siblings were in a deserted meadow, a beautiful mix of bright green, pale yellow, and multicolored flowers laid in front of them. The sky was a light blue, delicate clouds floating mid air. The temperature was just right. Alas, it was not peaceful.

The reason being that also in front of the duo was a teenage female, tied up similarly to the man in the previous chapter, the only difference being a lack of a mouth covering. It was ok though, because this place was farrrrr away from civilization, so no one could hear her scream.


"Maybe so nobody robs of their them, you doofus. Maybe she bought Robux." Nezuko responded. The captive nodded, saying, "I agree with the girl, and I did." "But couldn't they just take your credit card though? Then you'd be broke." Tanjiro asked. "Bank account. Money. Duh." "Exactly. Though you two look a bit young to have your own bank accounts." 

There was a brief silence. Nezuko craned her head to the other woman who was kneeling on the ground. She was pretty calm despite being in front of two killers. Nezuko took a few slow steps in the latter's direction, her white and pink Converses leaving indents in the grass. "You're cool. Lemme take off your hand bindings." "NEZUKO YOU ASS, DON'T YOU DA-" "DON'T LISTEN TO HIM. PLEASE TAKE THEM OFF!!!" "NO!"

She took them off, cackling evilly.

Tanjiro sighed, plopping onto the ground, staring at a dandelion near him. The area fell into another slightly awkward quiet. After a few minutes, the redhead stood up, groaning. "What the hell do we do now?!"(A/N: Wow those two are so good at being murderers!)The captive, who had been eagerly waiting, suggested,"Let me go?" "No." "Yes?" "No." "Please?" "No." "Pretty please?" "No." "Pretty please with sugar on top?" No." "Pretty please with sugar and chocolate sauce and rainbow sprinkles?" "No." This conversation went on for a century until Nezuko said in a serious and bored tone, "You know what? Let's just kill her. I'm getting tired of this nonsense."

Tanjiro looked stared at Nezuko for a second, confused at the abrupt change of heart. She had seen content to leave the teen girl alive. He didn't question it though; he had learned from past experiences that disagreeing with her when she was serious was a huge mistake. Instead, Tanjiro -as per routine- took out his gloves, passing one pair to Nezuko. Nezuko also pulled out a gun from a hidden place on her back. 

Before Nezuko could undo her hair, the girl, panicking, took out her phone and took a picture of them. Tanjiro's inhuman sense of smell let him know that Nezuko was mad. Like, mad mad. There was no in-between with her. The hostage tried to crawl away, but Nezuko shot her on the stomach before she could get far. The girl immediately collapsed, blood flowing from the wound, staining the green grass a dangerous red.

The siblings immediately caught up. As Nezuko laid the finishing blows on the wounded girl, who was gasping for breath and screaming as loud as she could, the other criminal checked the phone. It was locked. "Dammit." He whispered under his breath. He turned to Nezuko, who was poking the dead body. Tanjiro winced as he told her the information. Nezuko, unlike her brother, was completely calm after hearing the news. "So? Someone got a picture of us. It'll be on our wanted posters or something. I don't care." "...ok then."

And that's how the two sillies got their wanted poster pics🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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