Snow white's head slowly turns back to the screen with a look of pure hate at someone going after her little brother like figure with naughty intent.

Commander: Please claim down big sis Snow lease

Snow: What do you mean claim little bro i am claim

It brought back far too many memories of his...less than pleasant experiences at Isabel's hands.

Don't think about it don't think about it don'tthinkaboutit-

The drink in Snow white's hand crumbles due to the amount of strength at Snow White put into holding while looking more pissed off then before at this nikke Isabel

"All fine over here, Commander!" Anis' cheerful reply cut through his internal turmoil, with her bounding up to him and offering a chipper salute. "All enemies down!"

"Yep, no major problems over here either, Master!" Neon called, proudly showing off the few grazes on her skin. "Just some superficial damage to the outer frame!"

"I can confirm there's no Raptures remaining in the area, you can head back to Eden now." Cecil cut in, her holographic face checking some screens to her right before looking at Jonathan. "Thanks for your help today, Counters team."

"Don't worry about it, helping out is what we do." Jonathan assured her.

"We're certainly grateful for it."

Anis: of course we got our missions done in good time well not always in good time but thats mostly due to more raptures then expected

Neon: Plus we got to show the raptures the beauty of fire power to the face!!!

Rapi: And further get resources for The Outpost on the ark

"Oh daaarling~"

Jonathan tried not to flinch too hard when he saw Isabel waltzing over to him, practically looking like she was skipping.

"Why not accompany your-"

"Isabel, take to the skies and reconnoitre the area. Make sure there are no stragglers that might report our position." A sharp bark cut the Pilgrim off.

Jonathan had never been happier to see Johan, the other Commander striding over to them with his signature stern frown fixed to his face.

Well...besides maybe against Nihilister. He saved our bacon there for sure.

"Johan, it's alright, I can't pick up any more Raptures." Cecil replied, her holographic screen manifesting in front of Johan now as he held up his wrist.

"Just because you can't detect them doesn't mean they aren't out there." Johan insisted. "Isabel, go. Now."

"Johan..." Cecil's exasperation was audible over the connection.

"...yes, Commander." Blowing one last kiss at Jonathan, Isabel spread her wings and took to the skies.

Anis: Oh thank goodness that Isabel lady is no longer on screen cause im afraid that our Snow white here might try to find her

Anis points to the still enraged Snow White still crushing the drink in her hand that was nothing more then scrap metal at this point

Nikke reacts to the multiverse (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now