Need To Clear My Mind

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Time Skip:
The Paw Patrol arrived back at the safe house and quickly rushed inside with Tom carrying Rex in his arms
Marshall: Set him down here (He ordered as he went to go get his First Aid kit and other gear and Tommy set Rex down on a table)
Chase: Cmon Rex, just hang in there a little longer dude please (He begged with anxiousness, Marshall then came rushing into the room to treat Rex's wounds)
Marshall: Alright guys I'm gonna need you all to back up a bit, I need some space to work here
Chase: You can help him, right? (He asked clearly out of nervousness and anxiousness)
Marshall: I don't know, I've never really had treat a gunshot wound let alone two gunshot wounds, I don't even know if it can be-
Chase: MARSHALL!? (He interrupted and Marshall's eyes met Chase's)
Chase: Can you help him? (He repeated. Marshall could see the worry in Chase's eyes)
Marshall: I can try, but I'm gonna need some time
Chase: Thanks Marshall (he said with a sad smile)
Time Skip:
Marshall was busy treating Rex's wounds which wasn't to difficult since Rex was unconscious and not moving, the rest of the pups were just resting and taking in what just happened not even half an hour ago, Chase was also just resting but then he decided to get, he grabbed the keys of his Alfa Romeo and started walking to his car but he decided to first let Ryder know what he was doing
Chase: Hey Ryder
Ryder: Yeah
Chase: I'm just gonna go for a drive if that's ok with you
Ryder: Are you sure that's the best idea, I mean a couple days ago most of the city's cops were chasing us
Chase: That's not my concern right now, and I really need to clear my mind right now
Ryder: Ok, but you watch your back out there
Chase: I will (he said as he turned around and walked towards his car. He got into the car, started it up and drove out of the safe house and sped off)
*A minute after Chase left Skye started wondering where Chase was, she decided to ask Ryder*
Skye: Hey Ryder
Ryder: Oh hey Skye
Skye: Have you seen Chase, I can't find him
Ryder: Oh he went for a drive
Skye: What, when
Ryder: About a minute ago, he said he needed to clear his mind
Skye: Oh ok, well thanks for letting me know (she said before walking away)
Ryder: No problem
Scene Switch:
Chase was on the highway, he was cutting up and swerving through traffic although there wasn't a lot of traffic since it was late at night, he couldn't forget what he saw which happened only about an hour ago
(Just like I'm my previous story, the flashbacks will be in bold and the current events will be in the normal font)
Unknown Pup: I wanted to say my farewell's considering we're never gonna see each other again
Chase: Yeah hopefully
Unknown Pup: Well that's not exactly what I meant
Chase: Then what did you mean
Unknown Pup: This (He said as he pulled out his gun to shoot at Chase
*Chase felt like he was having a battle trying to get that image out of his head*
*He fired two shots but Rex pushed Chase out of the way causing the bullets to hit him in the chest making his body collapse onto the floor*
Chase: REX!!! (He exclaimed in shock and anxiousness)
*No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get that event out of his head*
Chase saw there faces and gritted his teeth in rage when he saw Claw in the F1 LM
Ryder: What happened
Tommy: Rex got shot (he said while putting him in the passenger seat of Chase's car)
Chase: We've gotta get back to the safe house quickly, and I need you to help Rex when we get back
Marshall: Got it (he said and everyone got in their car's and sped off in a hurry back to the safe house)
Flashback Ends:
Chase: Winced his eyes a bit as he snapped back into reality, he looked at the fuel gauge in the car and it was between half and empty
Chase: Guess I gotta fill her up (he said and he continued driving to look for a Petrol station)

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