Statement of Peter Lukas-Bouchard

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Unfortunately- I have been unable to locate any statements regarding Gerard Keay's resurrection. Shame, really. The closest thing I have been able to find from around that time is a statement from Peter Lukas-Bouchard regarding... strange ducks. It is unimportant, but I will document it here for completion's sake. 


Statement of Peter Lukas-Bouchard regarding some strange ducks. Statement given direct from subject, 25th of August, two-thousand twenty-three. Statement begins.

It began when at dragon boat practice.

You must understand my reasons for being there, as this is not normally a thing I would do.

My crew and I were planning to shove a bunch of other contestants into the Lonely during the race. To do so, we entered ourselves into the race, fully intending on pitting the teams against themselves and causing turmoil within them, as to more easily isolate them.

We began our practice well, getting into the rhythm easily. (Now you must note, I do not know my crew's true names, to cause more Loneliness among us, so this practice of being a *shudders* team, did nothing of disturbing the power of the Lonely that surrounded and empowered us.)

Our practice continued without a hitch, except for the few odd ducks I saw floating around. I watched the ducks curiously, and noticed they seemed to be doing nothing but staring. I shrugged off the sensation, deeming it inconsequential.

We finished our practice feeling confident in our dragon boating skills and headed towards the dock to return to the Tundra, when I began to notice something was off. The ducks were congregating along the rocks that separated the grass from the sand. That in and of itself wasn't weird, but they were completely silent. Not a single one made any noise. Their heads swiveled as they followed our boat, their beady eyes boring into us, making me feel... vulnerable and seen, but totally unlike the way Elias's Eyes would look at me. These eyes were harsh and prying, while Elias's were merely curious and protective.

We docked and climbed out of the boat. I sprinted towards the ducks, my crew watching, (as this is normal thank you very much) intending to say hello to my fellow water creatures as always. Instead of waddling up and saying hi as usual, they scattered. I froze, suddenly saddened. This was not a normal reaction from ducks, as they would usually come up and let me softly stroke their feathers as they acknowledged me as their duck king. Then I realized something was wrong.

Not. A. Single. Duck. Had. Quacked.

Even as I ran full sprint towards them, still they were silent. Now, they watched me from where they floated in the water, silent and impassive.

I turned to leave, but their solid black eyes burrowed into my back, leaving my soul bare.

Then another realization hit me. Their feet were blue! What does that mean, blue feet? Poison? A warning? It is a mystery, and not one I am keen to figure out.

Their eyes still haunt my dreams.

Statement ends.


*Sigh* I'm sure you understand what I mean. Very unimportant. Peter had been complaining to me non-stop about these ducks- so, like a good husband, I told him to go tell someone in the Archives his statement and stop bothering me with his 'strange ducks.'

I do believe my indifference and disbelief in this statement may have been an oversight. I now believe that this was a warning from the Eye to Peter. Of what? I am not sure. I am  sure, however, that I will be feeding on my own husband's fear very soon. 

*laughs* Not that you need to know that. 


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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