truck-kun attacc :33

241 8 14

(angst but w/ happy ending cuz i go on mental breakdowns everytime i read bad endings)


**tecchous pov**

i finished my history class a few minutes ago. i went to my lockers to get my lunch today.. it was some bread with cheese, mayonaise, and.. honey. the colour matches decently for me. i dont get why wont the school serve this gold glory. i sat by a chair at the cafeteria, only for jouno to join me. "tecchou, is that bread youre eating?" he asked, and i replied with a nod, only to realize soon enough he... hes blind. so i just said "yes" and his expression was as if hes the happiest person on the planet.

"well? with what? what did u put in the bread? egg? butter? cheese? vegetables??" he questions, which i replied, "cheese, mayonaise, and honey." his expression changed to disgust. even tho he doesnt open his eyes, i could tell hes probably giving me side eyes.

"come on techou!!! how the fuck did you possibly ruined BREAD! ugh, if you had a hidden talent, its probably ruining every single fucking food possible!!" he yelled out. which i didnt care at all.

"right... dont we both have math class after this?" i asked him, which he simply nods to.

a few moments later, the bell ringed and most students had already gone to class, and so were we.

(in math class LMAOA time skip cuz me lazy lazy)

"psst tecchou." jouno whispered and elbowed me.

"what, jouno." i ask.

"do you know chocolates.. have brown colour.." he said, "and poop are also brown.... ew. so, tecchou. would you eat chocolates with poop?" he added. which made my expression turns to disgust.

"no i would not." i answered simply.

"how about banana with lemon?" he asked again

"hmm.. maybe.  that sounds pretty nice, thank you for the suggestion, jouno." i answered, thinking about actually combining banana and lemon.

"you are weird." jouno insults me.

just as he's about to say another word, the teacher yelled at us. "JOUNO! TECCHOU! STOP TALKING IN MY CLASS AND GO TO DETENTION!" mr.kunikida yelled. ugh, old people theese days. i wish i could just throw him off a helicopter and maybe get his hand missing. but thats injustice..

me and jouno walked out of class, going to the detention. and we pretty much just talked and do nothing at detention. well, i fell asleep until jouno woke me up, saying we can go home now. (my english trying its best to englishing)

we walked out of school, relieved because its finally over. i went to cross the road, looking left and right first of course. i saw no sign of a vehicle coming, soo i simply walked across the road only to hear a scream from jouno.i looked back at him and he was reaching his hand for me.



**jounos pov**

i freeze as ive just witnessed him getting hit by a goddamn truck. and that fucking truck just kept going like nothing happened???? (the driver was dazai 😔) i finally snapped back to reality and walked over to check if hes alright, i knew he was still alive anyway, i can still hear his heartbeats.

i poked his cheeks (FACE. NOT THAT TYPE OF CHEEKS 😡😡) only to receive no reply. hes probably knocked out. i still can hear his breath sooo i didnt really worry about anything. but if he really was dead..  i dont know what ill even do with my life anymore.. i mean id probably just end myself i guess? afterall, you're worth my life, Tecchou.

saihiro/suegiku shiz but idk how to writeWhere stories live. Discover now