Amethyst: This is great! My room's been needing another pile.

Garnet: Amethyst! Help me with this axe.

(Amethyst and Garnet try to fit the battle-axe through the Temple Gate, conservating and making a commotion in the background,.)

Pearl: It's been ages... *looks at the scabbard and blushes*

Amethyst: (background) Turn it clockwise! No, your other clockwise!

(Steven stares at Pearl.)

Pearl: W-What is it, Steven?

Steven: What was Mom like?

Y/N: Yeah, actually I was wonder where a Mrs. Universe was, Pearl did you know 

Pearl: Quartz, Rose Quartz, She was courageous, and brilliant... *looks at the painting of Rose* And beautiful... Sometimes, you look so much like her.

Steven: Really...?

(You look at Steven, And then the painting, You the look at Steven then squint a bit)

Y/N: Yeah, Now I see it

(You, Steven and Pearl look behind briefly at the commotion Amethyst and Garnet are causing.)

Amethyst: (background) Yeah, lift it backwards!

Garnet: (background) You mean "pull!"

Amethyst: (background) Yeah, "pull," sure.

Pearl: Hey, Steven... Maybe you should hold onto this. *hands Steven the scabbard*

Steven: Woah... Thanks, Pearl. If anything tries to eat me, I'll bop them with this! *swings the scabbard*

Pearl: That's just the scabbard, Steven. It held your mother's sword. Nothing else could fit so perfectly inside. For all this time it's been... incomplete.

Steven: Well, let's complete it. Where's the sword?

(Garnet manages to fit the battle-axe through the door.)

Amethyst: That's it! Yeah, you got it! *runs through the door, and it closes behind her*

Pearl: Can you two keep a secret?

Steven: A secret?!

Y/N: Sure, What's up?

Pearl: *covers both Your and Stevens mouths* Shh! It's a secret, even to Garnet and Amethyst. Rose had a place that she kept hidden from all but me, *Turns to Steven* but you have her gem. That place is yours now, and I can show it to you!

Steven Uh, okay.

Y/N: Can I come, I wanna see Your mom's cool weapon, Pleeeease?

(You bat your eyes at Pearl and flash a big grin at her)

Pearl: Well, I guess so, But as long as you keep it a secret

Y/N: Chillax P, These lips

(You make a gesture of you zipping your lips up and locking them with a key)

Y/N: Are sealed 

(Steven and Pearl warp into a canyon, with Steven looking extremely confident.)

Pearl: Now it's just a three-hour hike that way, followed by a vertical climb at 90 degrees. Think you can handle it?

Y/N: Pssshhh, Bring it on

(Steven's confidence quickly fades away. Time passes, as Pearl climbs up the mountains with Steven strapped onto her back, You follow behind.)

Steven Universe- Lapis Lazuli X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now