sun gets his memories back part 3

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Part 3


A little moon x Lord eclipse
Leave if you don't like the ship that's in this part

Eclipse turned fully and stared at the three-

Lord eclipse:Sun over here now

Sun nodded and rased over as he bend down on one knee -

Sun:y-yes my lord?

Lord eclipse:who are these two?
-he snarrled looking at lunar and moon as his finger nail slid against his neck -

Sun:I-I don't know sire!!

Lord eclipse:okay go away

-sun ran off as lunar followed and moon stood there staring down Lord eclipse angryily-

Moon:what did you do to my brother!?!

Lord eclipse:moon~ moon~ you don't exist in my world he has no idea who you are !~

Moon pinned Lord eclipse against the wall growling-

Lord eclipse:aww is someone angry I have their other au brother~

-moon grabbed eclipse by the neck which was a weak point as Lord eclipse moaned into his own hands which surpised moon as he let go-

Moon:what the fuck wad that!?

Lord eclipse:don't touch my neck you sicko!
-he growled embarrassed-

(I got bored they're gonna fight now )

-Moon and lord eclipse were in a hands on fight now as the two were bleeding in different áreas as moon was on top of eclipse punching him and kicking him as eclipse raised his leg and shoved moon onto the floor and started punching him as he grabbing knife and was about to stab moon in the head as moon grabbed lord eclipses neck which made eclipse let out a moan of surpise and slight pleasure as he whimpered and shut his eyes-

Lord eclipse:s-stop that!

Moon:you know what na
-moon pushed eclipse onto his back and gripped tighter-


Lord eclipse:I-I said stop it asshole!!

-over to lunar and sun -

-lunar had turned sun off and was trying to fix his memories as moon and lord eclipse were fighting /kinda making out?-

Lunar:w-what did he do to you brother?

-Sun was powered off sitting on the floor quietly -

(I'm probably going to end this story so if you want to give me a new one or suggest your own ideas message me)

(I don't know if I will end this story of sun gets his memories back but also I might i don't know though)

Servant eclipse x lord sunWhere stories live. Discover now