Your Last Warning (Chapter 1)

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"Hey! What are you doing?" Cheng Yi calls out to me as a try to climb the exit fence of the school. I quickly get down form the fence and face towards Cheng Yi. "Where do you think you're going? Back into school now." He demands.

"Okay Okay whatever, don't tell me what to do." I say

"Good then go back to class. This is your last warning." He puts his hands on his hips.

I make my way to class. He follows me. "I should've known. You're always skipping class."

"This is just an average school, there's no fun." I shrug

"Oh you think it's so boring. Well, why don't you try coming to class more often? "You might learn something."

I roll my eyes as we enter the school building again. He grabs my wrist firmly, he leads me through the school. "Don't even think about trying to skip, I'll be watching you." He informs me.

"Damn, you ain't gotta grab me." I say then look back to see him watching me enter the class and glare at me. He comes into the room, he notices the spot I sat in.

"I still have my eye on you. Don't make a move." He walks to an empty seat and sits down.

I sigh out loud and say in my head, "Why does he always watch me. It shouldn't matter if I skip this dumb school anyway."

He catches me looking at him and glares back. "Why do you always have to be so troublesome? Can't you just behave?" He says.

"I'm 17, I can do what I want." I roll my eyes

He rolls his eyes back. " You're the most childish boy in the whole school. Are you proud of it?" His voice is annoyed and stern.

"You're only like 9 months older than me so stop acting like you're my wise elder." I say annoyed.

"I'm the president of the school, I'm the person you should be listening to." He stares me down, he has an annoyed expression on his face. You notice someone looking at you both.

"Whatever, oldman."

He sighs. "I swear you're the most troublesome person on this whole campus."

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