I threw the worms far into the distance. I didn't want those things anywhere near us.

"Two problems solved," I muttered.

"Now get in the rover before I take you up on your ultimatum," Clarke said, glaring at Madi.

Madi wore a pout on her face as she reluctantly climbed back into the rover. Athena slept through the entire screaming match, and despite Madi's bad mood, she played the role of big sister and ensured Athena was comfortable. I smiled softly before shutting the door.

Clarke sighed and looked at me. "She's going to be the death of me."

"She's a kid. It's part of her job to drive you crazy."

"Was I this bad with my mother?"

"You were worse."

Clarke rolled her eyes before gesturing towards the rover. I offered to drive this time and Clarke didn't protest. I made sure the kids were secured before I drove away.

Madi had passed out with Athena in her arms. They slept peacefully as I made my way to Eden. Clarke was staring out the window in the darkness, tapping her fingers against her leg.

"What's on your mind?" I asked.

"Did we make the right decision?" She asked.

"With what?"

"You know what. I don't regret hightailing Madi and Athena out of there, but Bellamy, Indra and Gaia? Do they deserve to die for making the same choices we would have?"

I hesitated before saying, "we did what was best for our daughters."

"But how are you okay with this? You essentially just sentenced Bellamy, Athena's father, to death."

"Don't remind me."

The last words I ever said to him, were I hate you. In the moment I meant them, and maybe a part of me will always resent him for putting her in danger like that, but at the end of the day, it was still Bellamy. The man I was in love with. I would do anything to protect my daughter, but it didn't mean I wasn't wrecked with guilt over the choice I made. Especially when it meant taking him away from Athena.

She will never forgive me for that.

Suddenly, Madi started screaming. I jumped and accidentally swerved the rover. Clarke started to panic as she spun around, calling out her daughter's name.


"No! No!" Madi shouted.

I slammed on the brakes and the two of us climbed into the back. Madi was flailing across the back, and Athena was awake now, crying. Clarke rushed towards Madi while I pulled Athena into my arms.

"Why is Madi screaming?" Athena cried. "Make it stop! Make her better!"

"Stop! Wait! No, no!"

"Hey. Hey, hey, hey," Clarke said urgently, trying to shake her awake.

"No. Don't do this!" Madi screamed.

"Do what? I'm not doing anything."

"Try it again, please. You're making a mistake. I can save you."

Her eyes were shut and I realized she was still asleep.


"I can save all of you."

"Clarke she's asleep," I said.

"Hey, wake up," Clarke shouted, panic in her voice. "Wake up. Please."

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