Chapter One

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You can't believe it. It's actually happening Your coronation. You might finally be able to change this kingdom to accept you for who you are. It might not work, but at least you're getting a chance to try. It would never have happened if your brother, the Crown Prince, hadn't drowned on the way back from the sea voyage he had gone on before his own coronation, to celebrate his coming of age. You have to get ready. But first, you have more important matters to attend to. You climb quietly out of the window of your room, as your door doesn't unlock for almost an hour. You scamper down the bricks, till you land silently on the floor in the castle courtyard. Sadly, there's no way to exit the castle except through the heavily guarded front gate, your overprotective parents have made sure of that. At least you can get out of your room, though. You walk through the immense courtyard until you come to the animal pens. Probably most people think that there wouldn't be animal pens in a castle, but your mother prefers that those who work in the castle never have to leave at all, so buying ingredients from the far away market was definitely out of the question for the cooks. She likes to keep them trapped inside the castle like prisoners. You enter the animal pen searching for the comfort of your favorite goat, Lucky. You named her this because she has spots shaped like four leaf clovers. She always calms you down, but you realize with dismay that you forgot to bring her food. You could climb back into your tower, but there's no food in there either. You scamper over to the garden where you see some orange carrots in the ground. You pick them up and hurry back to Lucky. You climb over the fence into her pen and feed her the carrots. You snuggle with her for a while, not noticing yourself off drifting to sleep.

You dream of your brother, in the marketplace of the city, at least, you've never been. He's buying a carrot. He throws it at a shady looking man. The man falls over, and your brother, Aeshna, walks over to his body. Though it didn't seem like anything serious when he threw the carrot, the man has died. There was no blood when he died, but he is dead nonetheless. Your brother bends down, as he is very tall, and opens the man's cloak. Out of it, he pulls something. Though you can't see what he's doing exactly, you think he breaks the item. He turns back to the center of the market, his pale alabaster face grinning. He disappears into an alley on the side of the main road, vanishing from sight.

You are jarred from your sleep by a loud bleat from Lucky. She always wakes you up just before your room door opens, so your mother never realizes that you can get out of your tower before the time she set. She basically controls every aspect of your life. You scamper up the bricks back to your room, tuck yourself under your blankets, and pretend to be fast asleep. Two minutes later, a maid walks into your room, rouses you, and the two of you walk out of your room. And, a hundred miles away, a dream comes true.

"Tasmin," Your mother shouts, "Where have you been!? You were supposed to be down here ten minutes ago!"

" Well, let'slets see," You say, smiling slightly, "First, I was in my tower. Then, when Eliza woke me, I brushed my teeth. Then, after that-"

"Alright, alright," Your mother says, frowning, "I didn't ask for everything you've done all day. Also, we've talked about calling the maid by their first names. It makes it seem like your.....equals." She spits out the last word as though it is rotten.

"Well, it's also rude to act like they're below us. Also, my door opened ten minutes ago. I can't teleport. And, for the LAST TIME, it's Tassie."

You turn away from your mother and cross your arms. You stand there for a few seconds, until your mother walks primly past you. You stomp after her, and sit down across from her at the breakfast table. There is a whole buffet of foods in front of you, and usually there are lots of maids around to serve you whatever you want, but today, to your mothers disappointment, they are all busy preparing the castle for the coronation. "Need to hire more maids." Mutters your mother as she wanders around, looking for something, as she calls it, palettable. Finally, she settles on a simple yet delicious cereal and milk. She poured the milk into the bowl, followed quickly by the cereal. She elegantly eats her food in dainty bites, while you scarf your taco, (the obviously superior breakfast.) She glares across the table at you as you avoid her gaze the rest of the meal.

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