The Not So Normal Day

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"Don't let go...Please! I need you!" The  girl cried out.

"You will be okay, star,"  A boy barely holding onto the girl said.

"No... I can't do this without you,"

"You are stronger than you think, my love...I will always love you,"

With that Estrella woke up, startled. She didn't know what the dream was about but she knew it meant something to her. She decided to shake the dream out of her mind and get dressed for the day. 

When Estrella black entered the great hall, she wasn't shocked to see the chaos in it. Everything might change in Hogwarts but that one thing remained permanent. Estrella even found a bit comfort in it. Her eyes scanned through the crowds of people as she moved towards her friends. She hoped today was one of those days when she could do as she wanted without any trouble. 

Oh, how wrong she was...

"Looking for me, Darling?" A voice came from behind her.

Estrella stopped and closed her eyes. She counted till ten to get rid of the violent murder plans out of her mind.

"Don't be so sad that I exposed you, Darling," 

Estrella opened her eyes to see the one face she was dreading to see. Finnick Odair. The one only 'trouble' she wanted to avoid. 

"Are you that egoistical to make everything about yourself?" Estrella asked.

"Oh no no, Darling. The only thing I want to make mine," 

And just like that Finnick turned back and walked towards the Hufflepuff table. Estrella sighed and moved towards the Gryffindor table. She put down her books as she neared her friends and dropped down beside Hermione ungracefully.

"Was it Odair again?" Ron asked with a mouth full of food.

"Ronald, don't talk with your mouth full!" Hermione reprimed, "And you already saw Finnick approach her,"

"Yes and their interactions are always entertaining," Ron laugh.

"Yeah, Ron...Laugh at my misery," Estrella said making Harry laugh, "Laugh all you want scarhead," 

"No no...I am keeping my mouth shut," Harry replied. 

Before they could continue their conversation, the lights of the great hall started flickering and a portal appeared. After few seconds, there was a group of people standing in place of the portal and the only thing Estrella could say was,

"What the fuck?!"

A/N : Here is the first official chapter of "The Great War"

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A/N : Here is the first official chapter of "The Great War". I hope you enjoyed reading about Finnick and Estrella as much as I loved writing about them. They are my absolute favourite.

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