Chapter 1

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I think I was born for shock value. When I finally gather the courage to look down at my white Converse, I realise that they're not so white anymore.

I groan, looking at the splash of brown mud covering my left shoe and part of my right one, too. What a way to start my day. Half an hour and about thirty wet wipes later, I'm back on track like nothing ever happened.

It's spring, so everything's all in bloom. My dress matches the pretty pink Azaleas on the sides of the path, and my bow bounces around in the breeze.
I love my bows.

I also love Bowl.

I hop onto Bowl, my bicycle. It's my favourite thing I own, which makes sense because it's also the only thing that I own.

Maybe not. I do own a collection of bows. My favourite ones are the lacy ones with printed flowers all over. As I'm cycling home, my phone rings. I pick it up after looking at the ID, "On my way," I tell her.

"Bring me an iced coffee on the way," Cordelia says. I always tell her that she could narrate audiobooks. Her voice is just that smooth.

"Okay. I'll be home in bout' twenty minutes." I inform her and make my way towards my favourite coffee shop. I paddle faster as I reach closer, and notice the Arielle's Coffee sign shining brightly near the entrance.

After parking Bowl outside, ordering her coffee, and running back out, all in the span of about six minutes, I turn back towards home.

It's starting to get dark by the time I reach close, so I decide to move faster. Also because there's a downward road thing that I love.

Bowl automatically moves in a downward direction as I stop paddling. The wind makes my hair dance around my face, and my heart beats faster in my chest. It's the best feeling in the world.

Until I go crashing against the side of a black car.

My insides fly up for a moment before I even register the pain. It shoots up my arm and towards my neck. My left side takes the worst of it. My head smashes against the window, and I smash against the concrete. And if that wasn't enough, Bowl lands right on top of me.

I think I'm dead. I hope I'm dead. That way, I don't have to pay for the repairs of the car and Bowl. I don't open my eyes for a good two minutes after the pain registers. Everything hurts, but the worst pain I feel is in my knuckles.

I don't dare to look at them, though. From the corner of my eye, I notice a pair of shiny black shoes make their way towards me. They stop a few feet to my right and lean against the side of the now-ruined car.

"I hope you enjoyed your collision." He speaks, his voice incredibly deep.

"Thanks?" I grab the side of my head and groan, resting my back against the car.

"Do try to be more careful when hurling yourself at priceless possessions next time." He continues, his voice sharp and judgy. I finally crack open my eyes and slowly lift my head.

My first thought as I look at him is Eyelashes. Jesus Christ, his eyelashes.

"You grow them out?" I point to his eyes, then realise that I'm probably going crazy.

His eyes, rightfully, narrow slightly at my words. But I don't get the chance to take in anything else about him before I black out completely. --------------------------------------------------------- "You can't seriously be thinking of leaving her here," Lucien says, his arms crossed over her chest as he looks at her.

"That's why you're here. Take her somewhere," I shrug and turn to leave, but his voice stops me, "Take her where? It's your car she ruined. You take care of her," He states.

My eyes land on her face again. Her soft features make me narrow my eyes just slightly before I turn my head away, "Yes. That's precisely why I can't take her anywhere. I'll end up drowning her in the Chicago River."

Lucien sighs, "Jesus, I don't even doubt that." With one last look at the scene, as well as my ruined Aventador, I step into my Benz and start the engine.

Without thinking of much, I speed along the road to reach the HQ. "Khair, where the hell were you?" Austie steps out of the entrance and crosses her arms, her fiery hair in a braid. I move past her and into the building.

"Christian's been asking for you for half an hour," She says as she walks beside me to the room. The door opens and Christian sits at her head of the table. On my seat.

I don't hesitate before grabbing the vase to my left and hurling it at his head. "Khair!" Austie speaks out, moving forward to rush to his side. "The next one's going to land on your face," I warn, leaning against the door frame.

Still wincing, he stands up, "Fine, Jeez. Here you go. I didn't swallow the seat. It's all yours," Christian takes a few steps to the left, then rests his hands on the back of the chair. "Also, you're late." He deadpans.

The door closes behind me as I take a few steps into the room. Austie stays behind me, resting against the now-closed door. "It starts when I say it does," I take a seat at the head of the table, and then turn the chair to the side, arm resting on the table.

Christian was a favourite of my father's, though I can't say the same for myself. He wanted us to get along as kids. We never did. But I guess life works in wonderful ways, and not-so-wonderful ways, which is this. "You're far too young to handle the organizations," he leans back in his chair.

I shoot near his feet, and he jumps backwards, "Don't."

I can't fucking deal with this today.
--------------------------------------------------------- "He said that?" Lucien raises a brow. I look away, "Doesn't matter anyway." The car speeds over to my place, and I lock it before stepping into the penthouse.

"I took care of her," He suddenly says, catching my attention.

I look over at him from the top of the glass and ask, "Who?"

"The girl. You know, the one who gave your car that pretty dent?" He says, a smile evident in his voice.

I sigh, "A dent would be an understatement."

"She was out cold." He shrugs. I set the glass down and rest my hands on the counter, "Who was she?"

"How am I supposed to know? All I know is that she studies at Nexus," He falls backwards onto the couch near the back. I raise my brows, "Oh?" "Yeah. She had an ID card."

I make my way towards the couch and take a seat opposite him, "And you didn't bother checking her name?" "Why? You wanted her name?" His face breaks out into a grin.

Nexus was a college owned by my father back when he was still in control of The Order. The reason he started it is still unknown to me, or to anyone else, for that matter. "I also know that she lives on-" I cut him off with a wave of my hand, "I'm not interested."

"Weren't you the one who asked me about her name?" The words make me narrow my eyes, "Not because I care. I just want someone to take the blame for the damage."

"Don't bother. I got it fixed," He grins, his eyes still holding that very same look of mischief. "Oh, fuck off."


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