3. Promiscuity of emotions exploding

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Now they didn't even share one meal together. How his family destroyed them was obvious, how they couldn't work it out themselves because they had too much on their plate was a reality too.

But the plates now were full and Kim felt small and tiny, tiny as he was, emotion walking to Porchay and giving him. He sat down in the same chair he had slept on yesterday night.

"Thank...you..." Porchay said, smiling.

Kim just nodded. They ate. Eating shouldn't be a wonderful thing, it was kinda just fulfilling his own stomach to be able to move. Porchay disagreed. He wouldn't stop talking, Kim didn't hate it.

"What did you use? For this?"

"Ohhhh! Delicious!"

"P'Kim...I haven't eaten that good since my brother left."

"It was so good." He ended the last spoon. Kim mostly smiled, laughed lightly, or used words and it was already way more activities than just eating.

"How are you feeling?" Kim asked, after putting the plate away and leaning against the room's wall, facing the bed on its left, he had something with ruling his space by overtaking one part of the wall.

"...good..." Porchay nodded, it was looking like a lie.

"Let me see."

"No no!" Porchay moved his hands towards Kim as a barrier when he began to walk near him.


"Yes...yes...I mean..." Porchay blushed even more, he was like a book, a book which had still not been read so well by Kim, a book he opened a little abruptly, no beginning by the first sentence, but here he knew.

"If you don't want me to check on your body, you can just not lie." He crossed his arms, and he was surprised by his calm tone, closer to his usual attitude but softer.

"It...it still hurts the same..." Porchay confessed.

"This looks more normal." Kim said, beginning to walk away.

"P'Kim...can I ask you something?"

"Yes?" He turned around.

"Can I...I take a shower? Or something like this...I feel like I am dirtying your bed." He bit his lips but felt his heart racing when Kim's expression became blank, when Kim looked in an astonished state, before keeping his composure again. He just nodded, walking to the bathroom.

Mission: make it a normal one.

He hid away the knife that was before hidden near the shower. He also pushed away the one behind the door, he never knew what could happen. He was in a really secured apartment but he knew better how easy it could be for their enemies to work their way and the bathroom was the worst place. Bed was close to it but Kim could just wake up and fight back, the rooms were also put in a way that he had a great overall view of his surroundings and Kim was really sensitive to sounds. At night, even a cat far away in the streets could wake him up.

The bathroom was different, really more dangerous. His skin was at everyone's mercy, if he had to fight wet he could have more difficulties to win, it was the only room totally closed on itself, so running away would be harder. Everything to put a secured knife around. But even if Porchay wasn't that aware, even if he didn't have this type of alertness, he could still find them, he was curious enough for this.

If it looked like Kim was preparing things for Porchay and he did too, because it was needed, because it looked less suspicious.

"I put some clothes and everything you might need, do you need help to go?" Kim asked, coming back.

"No...thank you..." Porchay said, beginning to move and it hurt so bad, it hurt after not moving for hours and hours, however he refused to make Kim help him, he was already doing so much for him, he felt bad. His steps were slow and he couldn't stop his expression from showing pain but he managed, he did it and closed the door.

Kim sighed. He checked his phone, no alert, nothing suspicious. Everything was calmer than him, than his stress about the truth he knew better than anyone and about the result of his risk taken, but he had no time to dig more into regrets when he heard Porchay's high pitched voice.

One second. It took Kim one second to open the door in a really not rational way, it was a reflex, it was what he was trained for, action. If this place had been his castle, a castle could also be taken away by the enemies. It also took him one second to turn his head on one side, trying to not get a glimpse of the boy's naked body. And his heart raced differently and his cheeks were hot and he wondered how his own emotions could take the lead like this.

"Are-are you okay?"

"Yes...yes, sorry P'Kim...I just fell..." He confessed, standing again. He had fought the pain so much that this one won this time, not giving enough strength to his legs to support him.

"Do-do...you need help?" Kim asked, still not looking.

"No...it's okay...I can, I already stood up." Porchay smiled, and Kim could hear it in his voice, a better voice, the softest voice.

Kim closed the door again and sat on the edge of the bed. He was trying to get back control inside but it was a mess and when Porchay came out with his clothes it was even more complicated, too big, too long, but perfect. He felt his mind murmuring this and he bit his lips, standing again.

"P'Kim...won't you sleep in your bed?"

"No. I will take the sofa."

"Please, sleep here. I will take it."


"Then we both sleep in the bed, it's so large...I can't keep from you more comfort..." Porchay looked guilty. It was wrong. Kim stared at the bed, he was right. He stared at the bed and they went under the sheets. Better point: if there is a problem, Kim would be ready to fight. He convinced himself that it was clearly the bestest use of sleeping next to the boy. Not really next, still far away, but closer than ever.

"Don't you have to go to school?" Kim asked, preparing in his head the next steps.

"I don't. I just have to prepare for university..."
"Okay." Kim nodded.

"P'Kim...are you always...sleeping with a view on stars?" Porchay asked, it was in front of him now he found the most comfortable position on one side that there were no curtains, just the lights of the city and some stars, not a lot because it was hard to see them above the transformed nature, human's work.

"I do." Kim answered, not adding that it was to still have some light on his room, in case of an attack, it was better to be able to see clearly sooner, to survive.

"That's pretty..." Porchay said softly before wishing him a good night.

"Pretty" was repeated in Kim's head and he wondered how pretty it would be when Porchay would raise the layers of his life and when he would understand the real reason for this view. He was beginning to wonder clearly what could be someone else's thoughts and it gave him shivers. Not wanting to get there, he closed his eyes and tried to sleep.

He tried to sleep and wouldn't have to question himself for long weeks, Porchay wondering what was this tape falling from a corner of the wall and if it was like this it might be to keep something up. He got closer, he touched, he got curious, he never should have been : his own head on the board, and the awful sensation to have been the product of a masquerade.

❤️‍🩹 Punch didn't hurt as much as the one which broke my heart ❤️‍🩹 KIMCHAY AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora