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t h r e e

t h r e e

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AFTER several emotional hours spent going around town to a list of places they'd heard she enjoyed, the trio ends the night at the local diner.

The last time they'd been here was 5 years prior, on their annual summer trip with their dad to do exactly what they did today: stay connected to Jen.

They even had a tradition of going to this diner late at night and ordering breakfast. Apparently, it was something Ross and Jen would do a lot when at Windsor.

"Breakfast is a universal meal," she used to say.

It was a perfect trip, up until some jerk decided to prank the family, as everyone in town knew they were visiting.

He'd called the house phone using the voice modulator, going as far as to bang on the windows and doors, which nearly gave Ross a heart attack.

It's also the reason they aren't allowed to come to Woodsboro at all anymore. Thanks a lot, sicko.

"My my, you three have surely grown up," the waitress comes over, recognizing them from many years back.

Sure, they'd changed a bit, but the foundations were the same. Jamie still had the wildness that used to amuse her in her youth, Alex still had the most gorgeous head of hair she'd seen in her life, and Eli was just as proper as he was 5 years ago.

"Katy!" they cheer, shocked she still worked there.

Katy was their usual waitress, even from when Jen was still alive. She loved telling the kids outlandish stories and always gave a discount, even though they didn't need it.

"What brings you back to town?"

"It's the anniversary," Eli responds. "It's been 10 years."

"Wow," she sighs. "Feels like just yesterday your mom was running in here in her scrubs, giving me the biggest tip in my career."

"She was very kind."

"She sure was. Well, since seeing this beautiful trio is one in a million these days, the meal's on the house. Patty, I need the Roberts usual for Table 5."

"Thanks, Katy, you didn't have to do that."

"It'll be our secret," she jokes, walking back behind the counter.

"So how do we feel?" Jamie questions, as their drinks get placed on the table.

"I feel good. Like I'm closer to Mom, somehow. I don't know, it's stupid," Alex struggles to explain, shaking her head as she loses the words.

"No, I know what you mean. Feels like we've betrayed her somehow, by not coming back," Eli adds.

"Tell me about it. I just... It's nice to see her be a dumb teenager, you know? Before the murders, she was just like us," Jamie enthusiastically adds, taking a sip of her milkshake.

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