"Hitoshi please," Izuku said, a hint of real concern clouded his voice. This isn't how he wanted to go out. He tried again to shove the weirdo off of him but he'd gone full dead weight on him. Did the dude eat bricks or something?


The sound of a bag rustling and a soft thump was music to his ears. "I don't mean to alarm you but I think Nyan is taking advantage of that soymate coupon you got."

"Not the sushi," Hitoshi cried out. His weight evaporated. "That furball better not have- no please Nyan- put it down. I'm begging you."

"Whatever piece she has is your piece."

"Don't think I won't sit on you again."

Izuku forced himself to sit up. He watched Hitoshi fight with the cat to get their paper takeout bag. He would never admit it out loud, but something was endearing about seeing Hitoshi try to be so gentle with Nyan. He loved watching the two of them interact. Hitoshi was one of those people where everything he did seemed so careful, like if he touched something the wrong way it might shatter. Even when he was being an asshole he was being a cautious one, never crossing lines that could so easily be smudged.

"Nyan," Izuku called out. "Come." Round green eyes locked on him and she let out a half-chirp half-meow as she trotted over and jumped up on the couch next to him. Izuku smiled, scooped her up, and buried his face in her warm fur. Sometimes he forgot cats weren't considered domesticated, she felt just like a stuffed animal come to life.

"You trained your cat? Where was I when this happened?"

"Busy ignoring me and off at some new job," Izuku said matter of factly. He kept his voice level, not wanting to strike up another argument. Apparently, people thought Izuku was judgemental. Idiots. All of them. Even Hitoshi had accused him of judging him and being too critical about where he worked. But how could Izuku ignore Hitoshi's career commitment issues? He was either being laid off or quit every three months, jumping office jobs like Pete Davidson jumped celebrity relationships. Izuku had tried to stop by Hitoshi's office once only to find out he had cleaned out his cubical earlier that morning.

"I would never ignore you. Well, when I am allowed to not ignore you."

"Yeah yeah, I've heard that before. Now. Nyan, attack," Izuku commanded. He released Nyan at the same time. It must have been Izuku's lucky day because Hitoshi actually forgot who he was talking to and took a step back. Panic flashed across his normally overly-composed features. Izuku had to cover his mouth to stop from laughing out loud. "Don't tell me you're scared of that thing?" Izuku asked.

"I'm not. But you are just weird enough to turn that cat into a weapon," Hitoshi said. He said it like a joke, shaking his head slightly and chuckling, but something was off. His shoulders were high and tensed. He grabbed the bag of food and sat down next to Izuku. "Start the movie. And no falling asleep on me." When Izuku made no move to turn on the TV, Hitoshi asked, "What? Is there something on my face?"

"No. I'm just trying to figure out how you thought you would be lucky enough I would fall asleep on top of you. So many people would kill for the chance. It would be an honor."

Hitoshi still didn't look fully relaxed. His laugh was off as he said, "Just start the movie."

Two movies in Izuku felt Hitoshi shaking his shoulder again. Izuku woke with a start. "I wasn't sleeping I was just blinking."

"You got at least five texts and one missed phone call during your blink."

Izuku huffed and leaned over Hitoshi to grab his phone off the coffee table. He'd thought he turned it off or the battery had died or something. He didn't like distractions when he was working on new gear and it was just easier this way. It wasn't until Izuku had the phone in his grasp he realized how close he was to Hitoshi. His side was pressed against Hitoshi's chest and if he laid down he would be in Hitoshi's lap. Izuku jerked back so quickly that he almost dropped the thing he'd been reaching for. He avoided checking Hitoshi's expression in favor of staring at the screen. All of the texts had been from Tsuyu.

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