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Beyoncé sat in the back of Solange's car, her eyes facing out the window as she admired the outside world. It had been a while since Beyoncé went out; she had been staying in her house and avoiding parties due to fear of relapsing. Still, she couldn't bring herself to miss Michelle's anniversary party; she also couldn't pass up a chance to finally see Kelly again.

The sun was down and the sky was covered in darkness. There weren't many stars out tonight which disappointed Beyoncé. She had wished to see the stars; they were her favorite thing about the nighttime.

"Solange, do you even know where you are going?" Latavia asked, staring at her GPS. "We've been driving for hours and it looks like we're going in circles."

Solange rolled her eyes and replied, "I know where I'm going and we've only been driving for twenty minutes. Besides, the GPS hasn't told me that I'm going the wrong way yet so I'm sure that I'm going the right way."

"Solange, it looks like we're in the middle of nowhere. Surely, there is no way that we are going the right way."

"Latavia if you want to drive, tell me right now and I'll pull over so you can hop your short ass in the driver's seat."

Latavia rolled her eyes. "I never said I wanted to drive, I'm just saying you're going the wrong way."

"How the hell am I going the wrong way?!" Solange yelled, her patience fading.

"You're not driving in the right direction, that's how!"

Beyoncé simply shook her head at the sight of her friend and sister bickering; the two women had been arguing ever since the car wheel started spinning. After a while, Beyoncé just learned to block out their voices, only listening back in to see if the bickering had stopped. She wasn't surprised that they hadn't stopped arguing; she intended for their dispute to last the entire night.

Beyoncé hadn't engaged in the dispute; she was too busy texting a seemingly frantic Michelle. As soon as she had gotten confirmation from others attending the party, Michelle texted Beyoncé and told her to bring her ass to the party. Of course, Beyoncé said she would come; however, her word wasn't enough to keep the one who was expecting her calm.

At the place where Solange and Latavia were struggling to get to, Michelle was standing in the corner typing away at her phone. She was having multiple conversations at once and each conversation was stressing her out. She was mainly texting Beyoncé; it was surprisingly the less stressful conversation she was having. She kept asking the woman if she was lost and if she needed her to come get them.

"So what did she say?" Letoya asked. She was in the corner with Michelle and was watching her type vigorously on her phone.

"She's on her way, she just got lost I think," Michelle mumbled.

Letoya frowned; she didn't like how sad her wife sounded or looked. "Look, if she's not coming then she's not coming. Don't stress about it, you've done enough of that already. Besides, this is our day, it's our anniversary. You should be celebrating, not worrying about things that don't matter."

Michelle glared at Letoya and exclaimed, "Don't matter, did you just tell me to stop worrying about things that don't matter?!"

Letoya knew her wife, which is why she wasn't taken aback by the sudden change of mood nor did she snap back at her. Letoya just sighed and wrapped her arms around Michelle; she then pulled her wife into her and held her close. She held her until she felt the woman's tense body loosen up. She needed her to be calmed down before she could continue speaking; it would be useless to talk to the woman while she was upset.

"I'm not saying that the things you worry about aren't important, I'm just saying that tonight is a very special night for the both of us. I don't want you to be stressed, not on a night when you're supposed to be happy.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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