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The day after that, I was told to dress up as I was going to meet my fiance. It was a favor I was doing for them, it was a command. Instead of using clothes in my wardrobe, I was dressed by a maid. I did not have any fancy clothing so they had to provide me one. It felt as if I was being sold off, the idea wasn't far from that though.

My fiance's personal driver drove me to the place. It was a fancy restaurant that apparently nobody, not even my parents, can go to.

The driver directed me inside, and I was told to wait in a room. Soon enough, a young, tall, and handsome man walked in. I was confused. I was told that my fiance was a crippled old man, why is such a man appearing in front of me?

It was unexpected but he introduced himself as Byeon Woo Seok. I gasped.

All that was left was silence in the room. I thought about it. Why I was in this position in the first place, why I was forced to marry this man. Anger arose.

"So. I heard you were my father's largest shareholder.." I started.

He tilted his head in curiosity, both eyes on me.

"Could you..help me?" I finally say.

"Help you?" He chuckles. "With what exactly..?"

"Please help me get revenge. Please, I'm begging you." I moved closer to him on the couch we were sitting on. His arm was around the top of the couch, I grabbed his hand. I was desperate. I didn't want to live a life where it's completely controlled by someone. I didn't want to leave those who hurt me silently either. I wanted satisfaction for myself, seeing the regret on their faces.

It was perfect. All I needed was his approval, I was willing to get on my knees for it.

He just laughs. "You're quite interesting. Revenge you say? How so.?" The man just stared at my hands that were holding tight onto his hand.

I knew at that point that I could rely on him. I managed to spark his interest, I don't know how I did it, but I did.

"Help me destroy every single asset they have. They've lived such a lavish life for too long." I say.

He laughs silently. I don't know how this is amusing to to him, but that I guess, helped me to convince him. "You seem to have deep hatred for that family, why so?"

I look down. Memories flashed from when I was a baby, to when I was adopted. He notices me avoiding the question.

"All right. I will help you, all on one condition. Marry me for five years. We're already engaged, but this marriage only lasts so long, I need five years of marriage for something." He says, sparking a deal with me.

"Five years?" I thought long and hard, not really, and I came to the conclusion that I will abide by his conditions. Five years is not long for something that will completely crush the family that caused twenty years of trauma. Again, I was willing to do anything to destroy them.

"Alright, five years. But, I have one condition. We both need to stay a part from each other, only talking when necessary, no touching. It's not like we're actually married anyway." I say. I knew I was testing my luck. It was already a miracle that he agreed, making up my own conditions is brave.

"Okay. You're not my type, don't worry." He said.

We both agreed to each other's conditions and that's how our story starts.

~Hey guys! I'll start by apologizing for any grammatical errors. My grammar isn't the best along with my use of words. Again, I'm sorry if you're waiting for updates on my other stories, they most likely won't update anytime soon because my lack of motivation. But anyways, thank you so much for making it to the end! Stay tuned for more updates! Please be patient..:)

Marriage | Byeon Woo Seok FFWhere stories live. Discover now