The Ghost with the Most

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Isn't it late to be studying? Spectra asked inside Beatrix's head. Her purple eyes glowed in the dark dorm.

"Couldn't sleep," Beatrix whispered.

Spectra pressed a ghostly finger to her lips. Don't want to wake up your friend, she said, glancing at Autumn's bed. What are you reading?

Beatrix directed her thoughts at Spectra: I borrowed a book about Monster High and the mountain it was built on. She pointed at the map. There's been a bunch of monster deaths out in the woods over the centuries.

Maybe it's because the school's ancient? Spectra suggested. Back in the 1800s, 1700s, even earlier, things would've been different around here... less safety precautions in the old days.

I thought that at first too, since these deaths were spread out over time, Beatrix thought. But this year, there's been a surge. If you look at the map, there used to be, like, one monster death every few decades, so it wasn't really a noticeable pattern.

Spectra floated closer. Yes... there has been a spike this year.

Beatrix pointed at the map again. The textbook notes a few animal deaths to make it clear there's no deaths inside the school. It's like there's some kind of force field keeping Death out of Monster High. Is that even possible?

Spectra's eyes dimmed, their deep purple hue blending into the black of the dorm. It was too dark to see her expression.

Maybe, Spectra murmured. It would make sense for a school for monsters to be built here. The founders may have taken advantage of this strange protection from death to keep students safe.

You think this barrier was around before Monster High was built? Beatrix asked. Why?

Just a hunch, Spectra replied, her voice despondent. Why is this gnawing at you?

Well, I... Beatrix thought, As much as I hate to say it, I don't think Bram and Vilhelm are responsible for the murders. I have a suspicion that someone else might be involved.

Hmm... that 'someone else' has certainly been busy lately, Spectra said.

Spectra's words made Beatrix queasy. The more she thought about it, the more things lined up.

Like during the MSS field trip, Grey had slipped away from the human restaurant and vanished into the city alleys. While he'd shown up later to save her in the nightclub, Beatrix had no idea where he'd been.

What if he was out hurting people that night?

Plus, he was always skipping class and disappearing.

Spectra heard her thoughts, even though Beatrix didn't mean to share them.

Seems like you've got a theory brewing, but there's some conflict in you. You don't want to betray your 'friend,' Spectra said. However, I know you want to keep more kids from turning up in the forest.

Beatrix rubbed her temples. Of course, it's just... hang on, why'd you say 'friend' like that?

Because I can tell you see him differently, Spectra replied. If you want to prove Grey's innocence, you're going to need proof.

Spectra floated closer, hovering in the moonlight streaming through the window. The faint light seeped through her ghostly form, illuminating her floating chains and tattered dress. Why not hunt for evidence yourself? I can show you an easy way, Spectra offered.

Let me guess — you want to teach me a third magic trick, Beatrix anticipated, setting the textbook aside.

All good things come in threes, Spectra quipped.

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