Actions Speak Louder Than Words!

Start from the beginning

"You coming?" I turned around to see her still in the same spot.

" I still can't walk" she practically growled.

I laughed and walked towards her.
She looked at me confused but she began to laugh as I stood in front of her and grabbed her thighs. "Jump" she done as I said and jumped on my back, now laughing as I ran through the halls with her clinging onto me.

I stopped just before entering the great halls as I heard her begin to talk. "Mattheo we can't go in like this they'll know somethings going on" she said trying to get down but I held her in a tight grip.

"And? Who cares? Come on they all know we're mates. Live a little" I said and opened the door not giving her a chance to say anything.

I ran down the great hall to the slytherin table were our friends were sat and y/n began to laugh. I sat her down on the bench then sat next to her, the both of us laughing like absolute lunatics.

Our friends all looked at us confused, other than Draco who looked like he was gonna kill us.

Once we stopped laughing Daphne spoke, "what were you two doing? And why were you in his back" she turned her head to y/n.

Y/n froze which meant I had to cover. "Umm we both had a free period so we were just messing about had a couple drinks. And went down to the quidditch fields."

"Mhm" Daphne hummed. "Why was she only our back"

Shit. Think. Think Mattheo.

"She fell and hurt her ankle" I covered for us both.

"Oh okay"

She believed it.

Dracos POV
That was weird.

What the fuck is up with them.

I don't believe there story.

Dickhead I told him not to go near my sister.

I swear to god I'm gonna kill hi-

"Oh. My. God." Enzo came running in the hall and sat down next to y/n.

Shit he's gonna tell them all.

The spell was meant to last until after dinner.


"What's wrong? Are you okay" everyone asked.

"Astoria and Draco kissed" he blurted out.

Everyone eyes went wide and stared and me and Astoria who sat in complete shock, not knowing what to say or do.

"WHAT?!" Y/n shouted.

"Just friends" Daphne repeated my words from earlier.

"Enzos lying" I defended.

"No I'm not. Guys I promise. I've only just told you now because once I saw Draco all I heard him say was 'Petrificus Totalus' so I couldn't move anywhere to come tell you" he rushed out.

"That does sound like something Draco would do" y/n said.

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm your brother you're meant to believe me" I said.

"You and Astoria have gotten close Draco. No one can deny that" she responded.

"We're just friends" I argued, "can't two people be friends"

"But actions speak louder than words Draco" Theo agreed with the others.

"But-" I went to argue but was cut off.

How I met your mother~ Mattheo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now