The Drummer Dream

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It's 2013. It's a new year to start new things in my life. I got a new haircut and a not-so-fair-anymore skin which I got from a short vacation back in my province during the holiday season. Apart from these, I really got noticeably active in so many activities.

And one of these was getting into the UP Pep Squad Drummers ^_^

I applied last year, November 26, two days before the app period was over. It was a last minute decision, actually. I never thought of being one of them, until I noticed their pubmat in a shed around the school campus.

I got a bit excited about the idea of joining, so I bought without much hesitation, a cheap pair of drum sticks from a mall.

With a little push from my friends, I found myself the next afternoon in the UP gym, facing some of the short-haired people I look up ti as they show me what I'm actually getting myself into.

It's nearly two months and I have, let me say, learned so much about them and what they do.

Lately, I haven't felt really good with fever and colds and all that. It was a series of weeks that I came home, all weary, strained, disheveled. Training sessions were no joke, my body always seemed to give up, and the freezing night breeze was not that comfortable at all.

So yeah, I got sick, but then, that did not stop me. :) It's only just the six of us left now; Jasmine, Kristel, Rafa, Koki, Bryl and me, and the final assessment is looming. I think that quitting is not a real, good option.

I think of all the sacrifices - the time, the effort and all. I also think of the things that were being compromised. I think of my parents - I think of myself and my future. Last semester, I've experienced what it is like making the wrong decisions and setting wrong priorities. But luckily I got the chance to set it right. That is, my mindset as of now. If I continue this, I BETTER KNOW HOW TO MANAGE EVERYTHING.

About my parents, they know what I'm doing. But about the details, they know nothing. They have no idea that I come home as late as 12mn, that I strain myself too much in training (They know I'm sick. They don't know why, and I'm feeling guilty when they send me money for my medical needs), and that I come to games which are sometimes kilometers away from UP. I have to risk not telling the truth. If I tell them, they'll have a very good reason to send me back home and let me study there.

It's really not that easy.

The beats. Yes, the beats. You'll love them the moment you hear them. But there's no joke in familiarizing, memorizing and playing them perfectly on drums. They won't kill you, and that what does not kill you will even make you stronger and better.

The pride and burden of bringing the name of your university is another serious thing. You know why we are here, that is, to cheer our hearts out, not to personally have benefits of putting yourself in the limelight. "Puso", ika nga. Having this as something to brag about is foolish and stupid.

About these things we learned to do, we are put to test. Two assessments have passed, and like I said, it's now down just to the six of us. We do not know what is waiting ahead of us. But I know it could only be two: TANGGAP O TANGGAL.

For me, it will be a very good news if I hopefully accomplish this. All of my sacrifices will be paid off, I could finally reveal everything to my parents and the guilty feeling will be gone. I would have it as a great endeavor, a dream I thought of coming true for so long :)

If the opposite thing happens, just like what I've said to my co-apps, this is where my journey actually ends. I've thought about it that if i don't get accepted, it will be just a sign saying that being with them is not my fate . If it really isn't for me, then it isn't, after all.

No matter what happens, I'd just like to say that this is a very great experience for me, knowing all of you :) and of course being with you :D

Let's just be strong, isipin lahat ng napagdaanan natin, and trust ourselves :)


(I wrote this last January 20, 2013 in the late evening, the night before our final assessment in the drummers' squad. Fortunately, right now as I am posting this, I could say, I've become one of them already:D )

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