His legs lay discombobulated as she came closer, laying her voluptuous boobs against his torso as if she knew it would make his whole situation harder to handle. Her nails ran their way around the base of his dick as it pulsed violently against them. Her legs had straddled the large muscles at his thigh as she subtly grinded herself against it, grasping with a hand around his hip bone to keep her stable.  

If this wasn't enough, she began to speak to him. 

"You're such a good boy, Jungkook." Her breathy voice cooed to him as her mouth took another suck of his delicate skin. "Being so still and quiet while I eat you up." The 'p' in up popped naturally from her mouth and for some reason it sounded like the most sexiest thing he'd ever heard. 

He almost moaned out her name in response, but stopped himself. He wanted to be good for her. Oh god, he'd be good for her. He'd do anything she wanted. She could have him, naked and silently crying as much as her heart desired. 

"You taste so good, Jungkook." Lola moaned out purposefully, knowing it would make him grow harder. 

She was going to kill him.

"I just want to..." She stopped to sink her teeth into his ear lobe, which made him incredibly aroused, "wrap my thighs around this pretty little face of yours and ride it, just like I'm doing to your thigh." His mouth parted as he imagined her fat, juicy thighs around his neck, choking the life out of him. 

Oh, he wanted that so bad. 

"Can you feel how wet I am, Jungkook? How wet I am for you?" She was basically sliding in a pool of her own arousal on his thigh, of course he could tell. He wanted to taste it. He wanted it everywhere - in his mouth, on his torso, on his fingers. God, she knew what she was doing to him. 

He bit into his lips so hard that the skin began to peel and break at the intensity. He couldn't speak. He couldn't moan. His mind was flurrying with begs and groans but there was no outlet for them. He was going insane, and she was everywhere on him. He could feel all of her. He wanted her, he wanted her so bad. 

Her soaking wet womanhood began to roughen its pace against his thigh as her mouth began to release heavy pants against his ear. She knew what it was doing to him; the idea of turning him on with her blatant actions made her tingle below. Her nails had now left their place at his raging dick and were scratching down his thighs, making remarkable pink artistry against his milky skin. 

"You're going to suck me so good, Jungkook. You're gonna do such a good job." Her words mixed with tiny licks against the outer cartridge of his ear were sending him over the edge, causing his fingers to grab hold of the sheets beside him. At this point, his dick was going to come undone without her even needing to touch it. 

He needed to moan, or speak or something.  He needed to let it out - the feeling he was locking in his blood. He needed to let her know he wanted her to choke him with those thighs. He wanted her to know he'd do anything to taste the wetness that was being wasted on his skin. 

She knew what she was doing to him.

She knew she was driving him crazy and had stopped him from letting it out. 

He wanted to pay her back. 

Roughly, he reached his hands up from their clenched position at his sides and gripped them against the squashy, delectable fat at her hips. With nails pinched into her skin, he began to push her crotch down against his thigh, driving her clit down harder into his flexed muscle. Surprised, Lola let out a gasp, briefly looking down between their torsos to see that she was no longer in control of her grinding. 

Her gasp only urged Jungkook to go further and harder, relentlessly, crazily. Slops of wet skin against wet skin erupted in the room as Lola tried to pull herself up to put an end to his greedy revenge. In return, Jungkook's dropped from her hips to the her thighs, where the tips of his fingers ground into her plush ass cheeks. 

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