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Lia James

I look through the small crowd of people, trying to see past them. I see Kenji with a girl and a few other people. I knew I shouldn't be this eager to see Kenji again, not after what happened the last time I saw him, but I couldn't help it.

There was a guy being carried in, he looked rough. They all looked rough. I make eye contact with Kenji and feel as though I should say something, as I make my way through the crowd towards him, I see the girls hand touch Kenji and hear him yell in pain.

Now all 3 of them were being hauled to get medical attention from Sonya and Sara. As I start to follow them, I hear my name. "Lia, can you please take this little boy somewhere?" I hear as my eyes land on a blonde-haired boy who looked around the age of 10.

"What's your name?" I say bending down towards him.

"James." The little boy replies "And I'm not a little boy."

I smile and lead James to my room. He tells me about the boy who was beaten up really bad. His name is Adam, he is his older brother, and the girls name is Juliette. "Juliette has magical powers that hurt anyone she touches; Adam is the only exception." James explains to me.

I decide to show James where the other children are so he can get to know them. As I walk through the halls I pass where they were keeping Adam. Before he had bruises all over his face and open wounds, but now the bruises were less prominent, and the wounds were starting to heal.

* * * * * * * * * * *

A few days later when I enter the dining hall for breakfast and sit down, I see the new people who have seemed to join us at Omega point. The girl I know as Juliette sits down next to the guy named Adam.

"Juliette, right?" I say, "James told me about you."

"What were you doing with James?" I hear Adam say.

"You must be Adam, James older brother, right? I was showing James where the kid's hung out a few days ago. He was very sleepy though, even though he seemed to have slept the entire journey."

"Kenji gave him sleeping pills." I hear Adam reply glaring at Kenji.

"You should be thanking me." I hear Kenji counter.

"What's your name?" I hear Juliette ask. She hasn't talked much; she must be nervous.

"That's Lia," I hear Winston say. "Her power is pretty cool; she can run extremely fast."

"Wow Winston, I can run the marathon and win. Oh wait, we're underground." I say sarcastically.

Winston continues "Lia and Kenji have been here for a pretty long time, since they were-"

"Kids," I cut him off "Since we were kids. Now stop boring them with my life story Winston."

"Whatever you say."

I try to finish the rest of breakfast without thinking about the fact that Kenji had been ignoring me the entire time. I understand why he would though.

* * * * * * * * * * *

After breakfast I get assigned to help Adam.

"Hi Adam, do you want me to show you around?"

"Where's Juliette?"

"She's starting her training with Kenji."

"Can I see her?"

"Maybe later. Um, I heard you were the only exception to Juliette's powers."

"Yeah, I'm the only one who can touch her."

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