chapter 10 : set up

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(A/N : Hi guys! I didn't have time to proof read so if there are any errors, I'm so sorry. See you tomorrow. section that italic are either dreams or memories. Love you guys! kisses - Al)

"Pip, I gotta tell you something."

She turned around to see Ravi, he was in a long sleeve black shirt and blue jeans but none of that mattered to Pip because Ravi always looked good. At least in Pip's eyes.

"Yeah? What is it?" she looked down to not show him her rosy cheeks but he always knew when she was blushing, always. He put his hand on her chin and tilted her head so she was now looking up at him.

"I love you." he grinned and kissed her. Everything fell into place. The kiss was like time paused just for them, everything was just-

The irritating sound of Pip's alarm went off and scared Pip so much that she fell off her bed onto the floor.

It was a dream, just another stupid little dream, but she laughed. All she did was laugh. Then she heard footsteps coming up the stairs and into her room.

"Honey! Are you okay? What happened?"

But Pip kept laughing.

"I, I fell off the bed, sorry."

Pip's mom looked at her with a confused look but smiled at the same time. And started to leave.

"You've been acting so giddy these past few days" she said walking away with a light chuckle.

It had been true. Pip trip started off a little rocky but definitely got better after she accidentally called Ravi.

She woke up covered in her own tears. She wasn't thinking. She just called.

'Pip? Are you okay? What's wrong?'

'He was there, I was tapped, but my hands weren't, they were all red. All red. I-'

'Pip, listen to me. I want you to breathe. Okay? Follow me.' Pip did. And she calmed down a little.

'Okay last one. Breathe in, Breathe through, Breathe deep, breathe out.' Pip laughed at that.

'Did you just?-'

'Yes, I did. Because I knew it would put a smile on your face.'

It did put a smile on her face but then she looked at her clock.

'Oh my god. Ravi. I'm so sorry! I didn't realize what time it was.'

'Oh, it's okay. I couldn't sleep and you're more important anyways.'

She had to hide her face after that.

'Well, I'll probably be awake for a while, wanna talk?'

There was silence on the other line and Pip had feared that he'd hung up but he didn't. He never would.

'Always, Sarge.'

After that phone call, Pip and Ravi had been talking all week long. And now Pip would get to be with Ravi all weekend long even if it was with his friends. That is, if he came.

Pip got off the floor and checked her phone for a quick second to see a text from Cara.

'Come at 12! We need help setting up!' that was sent at 9:22am

It was now 11:47

"Well, shit."

She slept in, probably because she stayed up talking to Ravi again.

She got up from the floor and rushed to the bathroom, to take a shower. Once she was out, she packed a quick bag and threw some leggings and a cardigan. Then she said bye to her parents and Josh and got in her car that she left at home.

It was now 12:13 and her phone was blowing up. So just drove as fast as she could to get to Cara's house.

Once she did, she didn't even knock, she just went around the back and opened the door.

"Where the hell have you been! You were supposed to be here 17 minutes ago!"

"Cara, calm down. You knew she was gonna come eventually." Naomi said walking in.

"Yeah, I know, but she needs to speak up for her untimely actions!"

"Cara, that's not how you use the word untimely and I accidentally slept in, that's all."

Pip then went over to Cara and gave her a hug.

"By the way, happy birthday."

"It better be a good ass birthday because after all the planning we've done, I deserve to have a good time."

Pip then went over to Naomi and gave her a hug.

"Heard you had a visitor in New York last week, Pip." Naomi said smugly.

Then Pip looked at both sisters. They were both grinning.

"How'd you know?"

"He begged me to let him stay in my apartment."

So that's where he stayed.

"About that, how's everything going between you two? Any updates."

"Not that you don't know of, Cara. Is it only us three setting up?"

Then both sisters looked at eachother again. And Pip knew. Naomi was the first one to break.

"Not exactly." her smile was wide

"Who exactly, then?" Pip had a suspicion but then she heard the door open.

"Is everybody ready to party?"


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