18: The confession

Start from the beginning

"Hello lad, don't mind me. I'll be your chauffer for tonight." Jagged explained.

"What are you planning Luka Couffaine?" Y/n asked, glaring at Luka. Luka turned to smile sheepishly at y/n before replying, "Nothing."

"My son here isn't planning anything weird young lady, he just wants to take you to dinner." Jagged replied as the car drove off. After a 10-minute drive, the car pulled up at a bistro. Y/n looked out of the window and said, "Wait, I know this bistro, my aunt works here."

"Perfect place you picked son, go enjoy yourselves lads, I'll be back in an hour to pick you guys up." Jagged said as Luka and y/n got out of the car. As y/n and Luka entered the bistro, y/n was immediately greeted by her aunt who pulled her into a hug.

"Y/n, my dear, how have you been?" Y/n's aunt Kathy asked.

"I've been alright, what about you aunt Kathy?" Y/n asked.

"Been the same, table for two I assume?" Y/n's aunt asked.

"Actually, I made a reservation under the name Luka." Luka corrected.

"Ah yes, I remembered you called in a few days ago, this way you two." Y/n's aunt escorted the two to their table. As the two sat down, they glanced at the menu while y/n's aunt got both of them some water.

"I don't know whether to feel bad for you or not cause knowing this bistro, I know some of the food here are expensive as heck." Y/n started.

"It'll be alright, my dad gave me plenty of money for this." Luka reassured. After ordering what they wanted, the two patiently waited for their meals to come.

"How did you even know about this place?" Y/n asked.

"I was scrolling through Instagram one day and there was a post from this bistro that came up. It was advertising some dinner promotion so I went to the website to see what they had and the food looked good so I chose this place." Luka explained.

"I also realized something, why did you ask me out on the 9th specifically? Couldn't you at least have waited to the weekend to take me out for dinner?" Y/n questioned. Luka shrugged and tried to think of an excuse.

"I don't know, I'm busy this weekend so I had no choice to choose a weekday." Luka replied.

"But you could have done it next weekend instead." Y/n insisted.

"Can't, prelims are coming." Luka made an excuse. Y/n raised a brow and repeated, "Prelims? This early in the year?"

"Y-yeah." Luka sheepishly smiled. Y/n glared at Luka for a while but she didn't want to throw a fit in public so she dismissed the situation. As the food came, y/n Luka started digging in. Once they were done with dinner, Luka paid for the meal as they both left the restaurant and was greeted by Jagged Stone once again.

"How was your dinner you two?" Jagged asked.

"Delicious actually. Dad, could you take us to the beach now?" Luka asked as y/n gave him a questionable look.

"Why are we going there?" Y/n asked.

"To enjoy the wind at night." Luka replied. Y/n glanced at the time on her phone and agreed as the car drove off to the beach. Once the car pulled up at the beach, y/n and Luka got out of the car as Luka's father called him.

"If she doesn't feel the same for you son, it's alright. There are plenty of other lads you can find." Jagged advised.

"Thanks dad, see you later." Luka took his dad's advice as the car drove off, leaving y/n and Luka alone at the beach.

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