Leo's POV in Revival

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~Hi guys apparently I've been in a one-shot mood XD, enjoy!~

I had just witnessed my last remaining brother destroy himself for the sake of the world, giving us one final chance to save everyone.

I grasped Casey's shoulder tearing up at the scene. I took a deep breath and let it out and for what I had assumed would be the last time I would ever see Casey, I gave him a faux confident smile and told him to grab a slice before throwing him towards the portal and proceeded to fight off the couple of krang dogs that surrounded the portal. Forcing the creatures to stay away from me and my family's child.

I gave one last loving look towards Casey, and seeing him crying and reaching out for me as he entered the portal, it did things to my heart. But I couldn't dwell on that now so I forced myself to look away and pay attention to my surroundings to protect the portal from the krang.

Then the only thing I knew was blinding light and heat. Then darkness.


It was dark, but it wasn't cold. Is that what it means to be dead? But I could feel my baby brother's ninpo around me protecting me, just like I've done for him so many times over our lives together. So because of this I quickly concurred I was safe, I think. Then all of the sudden it seemed that Mikey's ninpo was rapidly growing in power, then I felt a vague feeling of displacement, and immediately after I felt Mikey's ninpo rapidly weakening. That scared me, but I promised that I wouldn't leave my baby brother alone in this apocalypse and it seems I fulfilled that promise. Then as soon as Mikey had released me seemingly out of nowhere this static-like energy carefully but rapidly surrounded me in a protective barrier, it was even giving me strength.

But I didn't want strength.

I wanted to join my brothers, I wanted all four of us to be together again. I just wanted my family back.

But that vaguely familiar energy kept me alive and kept feeding my weak energy and making it stronger and stronger until I was truly not in any danger of snuffing out.

At first I was fighting the energy at every chance I got. Until I realized that, no, it wasn't krang. But what was it? It screamed safety and protection. It was so achingly familiar but I couldn't seem to remember who it belonged to but in the end I decided to let this protective energy help me.

After a while I mostly gained my consciousness, and looking around me, I was in a pool of what seemed to be my own energy. I looked around taking in the great expanse of dark blue nothingness, then I began to hear a muffled but familiar voice calling out to me. I glanced down.


I dropped to my knees and Donnie mirrored my action exactly. I wanted to be with my twin. But how? He was behin-

I was being grabbed.


I was pulled through the barrier. I was being cradled by my twin. He was holding me so tight like if he let go I would disappear.

We started to fall away from that safe feeling pool, but my twin was here. He wouldn't put me in danger, and I know that I would always follow Donnie. So I let him take me with him, hopefully to where our brothers were. Donnie wouldn't stop till we were all safe, that's just how Donnie is.

Then my thoughts seemed to get muddled again, but I didn't fight it this time. Donnie, my beloved twin, was here.

I woke up.

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