03: 너 왜 신경쓰는 거야?

Start from the beginning

She was about to speak when Jake grabbed the guy's shoulder. He shot a death glare at him. If his looks could kill, they would. In fact, they'd obliterate the guy from existence. The guy frowned at him.

"Who the fuck are you?" He said, shoving his arm off. "Ah, fuck. Don't touch me with your filthy hands," He said, grabbing Iseul's arm. "Let's go," He smiled. Jake shoved him off, scoffing. "And, who the fuck are you?"

"You ugly ass bitch," He added on. The guy was infuriated. "Excuse me?" He exclaimed, clearly angered. "Why don't you go try fucking some other bitch, hm? This one's mine. Lay another hand on her and I'll snap your neck," He warned him, his gaze burning holes through the male.

"What the fuck, man..." The guy cursed to himself. "You're fucking crazy," He spat, walking off. Jake turned to Iseul, immediately, a look of concern on his face. "Did he hurt you?" He asked, checking her arms and all.

She pulled away from him, uncomfortable. "I'm fine," She said, weirded out by the male in front of her. "Let's just go," She mumbled, walking ahead of him. So many thoughts were running through her head, it made her feel dizzy. Why did he care?

Jake followed after her, rolling his eyes. They're probably loose from their sockets, at this point. He pulled her back, once more. "Do you always let guys hit on you like this? While you stand there like an idiot?" He asked, a part of him angry.

"It's none of your business, what I do, Sim," She glared. "And, no. I don't let pieces of shit hit on me. I could've handled that," She defended herself. "I don't need you," She told him. He let go of her arm, roughly.

"Fucking bitch," He insulted her, walking off to the store. She felt tired at this point, just wanting him to go away. He was so confusing, it was giving her a migraine. She didn't want to deal with that, anymore. At least, for the rest of the day.

She tried on a couple pairs of heels, until Jake was finally satisfied. "Hurry up, we have other things to get," He informed her, walking out of the store, once again. He threw his empty iced coffee cup away. Out of the blue, his phone rang. "Hello?" He answered.

‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎— HIRA PARK

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎SHE SMILED, hearing his voice. "Jake, I'm bored," She whined. "Can you come to the bar? I need your company. I miss it," She said, as if she couldn't contain her smiles, which she clearly couldn't.

Jake glanced over at Iseul, who was paying, before focusing on the phone call, again. "I'll be there in 10 minutes," He told her, hanging up the phone. He walked away from the store, not caring that he had just ditched the female there.

When she walked out of the store, she blinked. She didn't see him, anywhere. She called him, hoping he would respond and tell her where he was, so she could find him. But, he didn't answer. He only texted her, saying, "Busy. Tomorrow."

Busy? Tomorrow? What the heck did that mean? She groaned at the message, realising he had left. The worst part was that she didn't even have her car. He was the one who drove her here, and, decided to leave her all alone. She sighed, what on earth did she expect?

She called a taxi on her phone, waiting at the pick-up area for it to come. It took longer than it was supposed to, before finally driving in. The driver accidentally splashed dirty rain water on her clothes, and she groaned in annoyance. She decided not to say anything, heading home in silence.


Jake walked into the bar, walking towards the VIP section, where Hira was seated at. She beamed when she saw him, running up to him and engulfing him in a hug. "Jake! I missed you!" She giggled, hugging him tightly.

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