Episode one- the beginning

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The shadow of a man was seen walking into an apartment. This shadow looked as if the young man had been working all day.the youngish man opened his apartment with his key and went inside.The white haired giant took of his shoes and left them by the door. He put his keys on the the side as he looked around the apartment disgusted to be back at this dump as a place.this bright blue eyed person walking into the living room and sat on the coach. He went to grab the remote but notice something on the table. It was a black envelope invitation card. Huh when did this get here and what is about he thought. He opened it to find that it said "dear ash or Eminem club paradox would like to invite you to participate in paradox live." This ash person was now confused wasn't this the venue that disappeared along with the legendary group, buraikan. He was conflicted about what was prospected right in front of him was this just some prank or was this real.ash had a sudden headache and started get flash of the trapped memories from using the phantom metal. I shouldn't go all out like did today and hold back on it for a bit, he thought to himself. This person looked at the clock and realised what time it was and was confused. Is it 3 am all ready I should go to bed. And off he went to bed he had left the envelope on the table to have a closer look tomorrow in the morning.


The alarm clock interrupted ash's sleep. He slowly got up and went to the living room in his sleeping clothes. Turn on the television to look on the news. On the news there was a reporter talking about how the club paradox building has returned and no one knows why. " So it was real then and I'm surprised to join in it" he exclaimed to no one in particular. A building that disappeared ten years ago and resently came back and I have an invitation to perform this is going to get interesting. He thought. A notification came up on his phone. He was confused by it so he picked it up and look at it. A balloon appeared with email on it, the mail exploded in a fury little animal with glasses on with a loud noise .Wtf is going on he thought.  It suddenly started to speak "did I spook you" I questioned then started speaking again "tremble with fear!Be afraid, for I am paradox devil! Parade I for short" paradevil what a weird nickname for a little thing that moves around the screen. "Paradox live ... it refers to the stage battles held on the club paradox stage." Said the digital creature. "There will be five teams who participate that are the strongest in their respective styles" "then the winner will be determined by around or robin!" "In addition, if the ratios are the same, an extra battle will be added" "this is a survival battle to determine the strongest of the strongest." And I one of them how exciting "and the visitor of the battle will receive a whopping prize of ten billion pounds" really he thought and looked around his better old apartment so I can finally get out of this apartment if I win.  "How about it?money can make all the difference" "don't get too happy just yet" " the super-celestial level rewards don't stop their" "the second super heavenly reward,what this taking on the legendary king of kings, a direct confrontation with BURAIKAN!, ash was more shocked t this news then the ten billion pounds which one should he go for winning first or verse buraikan. One is money based while other is on is frame which one is more profitable Ill decide later. " those who received this invitation are asked to attend the opening show in one month!" "That's the condition to participate in the stage battle, don't be late." And with that the video of paradevil cuts of. Huh it over ash said to himself. Well looks like I have to make a killer songs that compete in singing battles. And the conditions same fair no back draws, no performing fee. So all good right.Well I have to go meet with the cats whiskers leader Saimon's  to see if they are in it and at the same see if there any more competition around these parts of town. 

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