Over the weekend, Cedric brought up selling my house, and I didn't know how I felt about that. I mean, I just moved into that house a few months ago.

Wasn't it too soon to be officially moved in with Cedric?

Should we slow things down a bit?

Those questions have been on my mind all day today, knowing that he would bring up that conversation again soon, and I think I got my answer.

Watching him sitting there doing something that he doesn't feel is safe and something that is going against his protectiveness and still doing it because he wants me to be happy made me realize what my answer should be.

I'm not scared.

I don't think it's fast.

We love each other, and I'm ready to fully commit to that man, and I'm ready to start our life together.

Once we get home, I'll tell Cedric the good news, and then I'll make him show me how happy he is with my decision with his tongue.

Smiling widely about my idea, I head into the lady's bathroom and head towards the mirror to double-check my makeup. It wasn't long before the door opened and a man I didn't know walked in.

“Um, sir, this is the lady's room.” I informed him, not wanting to sound rude.

Mistakes happen.

I have walked into the men's room multiple times just because I wasn't paying too much attention to the sign on the doors when I was in a hurry.

“Sir? This is the women's restroom.” I stated when he didn't immediately turn around and walk out of the bathroom.

He didn't say anything, he just stared at me and made me feel uncomfortable. He is about five foot six, roughly one hundred and ninety-nine pounds, and he is wearing classes.

“Hello?” I snapped, getting annoyed that the man isn't talking to me and needing him to leave now. Cedric will end up coming looking for me if I take long, and I don't want him to be the one in a jail cell for assault.

“You are so beautiful.” The man whispered, staring at me with lust in his eyes, and now I'm feeling uncomfortable.

This man needs to get the fuck out now.

“You need to leave. This isn't the men's bathroom.” I growled and pulled my phone out of my bra, ready to call for Cedric if I needed to.

He would come running.

“I said you are beautiful. Are you not going to tell me thank you?” The man snarled and took a step closer to me.

“L- Listen to me. I'm here with my boyfriend, who's a cop. He will not like that you're in the bathroom with me. Do you understand? He will arrest you.” I informed him, thinking that would have him running out of the bathroom, but it did nothing but cause him to grin.

“You think I'm scared of Detective Chandler?” The guy laughed, and it sounded insane.

“How do you know him?” I urged, confused, my arms feeling like bugs were crawling all over them.

“You don't think I don't recognize the guy my woman is seeing behind my back?” The man growled, hate filling his eyes now.

“Your woman?” I demanded, shocked that he would think Cedric is sleeping with his woman, and kind of hoping this man is wrong and Cedric isn't doing to me what my ex did.



I know he isn't. This guy is confused.

“I saw her first, but the cop just came swooping in like a want to be hero.” He shouted and made me jump back against the bathroom sink.

“I'm sorry. I don't know what you're talking about, but you need to leave. Now.” I snapped, losing my patience, and dialed Cedric's number. I didn't want the man to go to jail over a mistake, but he doesn't seem right in the head, so it's safest for me to call my man and let him deal with this.

“Drop the fucking phone bitch” The man growled, and I swung my heated gaze up ready to let him have my attitude, but before I could even open my mouth, I saw the gun he had pointed right at me. “You will come with me. You won't make a sound. If you do, I will shoot your Cedric Chandler. Do you understand?”

Oh! god.

Is he the one that's been doing all this? Is he the one that's been hurting these women, the ones that's obsessed with me?

“You're the one hurting those women.” I whispered, shocked as fear clawed its way up my throat, choking me.

“Let's go home now.” He spoke and motioned for the door. “Remember what I said. Make a scene and someone dies."

My Man Series #1- My PolicemanUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum