Once we got to his parents, his dad pulled me into his arms, asked if I was okay, and led me towards the living room where he made up the couch for me.

It was sweet and thoughtful.

“I have to go, baby. I'll be back soon. Stay here for me. I need you safe.” Cedric whispered before following behind his dad.

“Be safe.” I whispered, loud enough making sure he could hear me before he walked out of the room.

“Always.” He told me with a small smile on his face.

He didn't leave right away. I heard their voices from the other room, his dad demanding a full run down of the case and my situation and how deeply Cedric was involved in it.

I pulled the warm blanket higher up my body and closed my eyes, fighting not to picture the dead woman. I must have eventually been able to fall asleep because now I'm being awoken to the smell of coffee and cinnamon.

I slowly stand up, stretch my body out before folding up the blanket, and placing it over the couch cushion. I'm actually nervous to face his mother. His dad knows more than she does, and I believed Cedric when he told me that his dad wouldn't tell his mom or Anna.

That means that Cedric and I are dating will be the topic of the table, and I'm going to have to discuss this with his mom without him here. I really want his mom to like me, she already does I think, but I don't want her to think we are rushing things and I don't want her to think that I only used Anna to get to Cedric.

The need for coffee beckons me towards the kitchen, and I happily follow it. I'm still so sleepy, I didn't sleep much in just a few hours, and I'm sure I looked a mess.

Walking into the kitchen, I see Mr. Glenn is reading a newspaper at the kitchen table while Helen is spreading icing over cinnamon rolls.

“Goodmorning dear. Slept okay?” Mrs. Helen asked before placing a plate in front of an empty seat. “Sit. You must be tired. Glenn told me what happened.”


I looked at Mr. Glenn, who didn't even bother to put his newspaper down and back towards Helen's worried eyes.

I wish Cedric were here.

“Um-” I whispered, not knowing exactly what story Mr. Glenn and Cedric came up with to explain to Helen the reason I needed to come over so early.

“It's awful. I understand why my son didn't want to leave you alone. It's a shame women can't feel safe at home alone anymore.” He fussed and continued to spread icing a little too heavy on the rolls now. “ I mean, what is this world coming to.”

“Thank you for the rolls.” I told her, not wanting to comment further on that until I know what she knows.

“And my son and Lucas should have believed you when your house was broken into. Thank goodness nothing happened to you. You could have ended up missing-” Helen starts the rant and now is tossing icing heavily on the rolls. “I promise you they were raised right, sometimes the cop part of their brains out speak the human decency part.”

“Helen dear-" Mr. Glenn tried to calm his outraged wife down and failed.

“I'm just saying, Glenn. Sometimes cops think they always know everything. You did. You were a cocky thing when you started at the department.” Helen accused and didn't bother looking back, just continued making breakfast.

“I was not.” Mr. Glenn defended himself, shocked that she would even say such a thing and finally laid the paper down that he was once hiding behind.

“Oh you was. You would come home every night bragging about handing out tickets. That's exactly where my son gets that happy ticket hand, Avery, his dad.” Helen talked loudly, still overwhelmed with what was happening. “He even gave me tickets while we were dating.”

I choked around the bite of cinnamon roll. I had shoved into my mouth and looked at an embarrassed looking Mr. Glenn sat across the table from me.

Exactly like his son.

“I only gave you a few, Helen. I stopped and gave you plenty of warnings afterward. " Mr. Glenn tried once again to defend himself, but she was not having it.

“Yeah only because you wanted to make love, and I refused when my boyfriend was tossing traffic tickets at me.” Mrs. Helen shouted. “I almost lost my licenses because of him.”

“Helen she didn't need to hear that.” Mr. Glenn's shocked face swung between me and Mrs. Helen.

“She does. If she is going to be dating our son, she should know exactly what she will be getting.” Mrs. Helen dropped the bomb that she did. In fact, I know part of the reason I was here.


I really wish Cedric was he

“Are you okay with that?” I asked softly, worried that she would think it's inappropriate to date my best friends brother.

“Oh dear, of course I am. All a mother could ever want is for her kids to be happy in life, and if you make my boy happy, then I'm happy.” Mrs. Helen finally stopped abusing the poor cinnamon rolls, fussing at Mr. Glenn, he turned towards me and smiled.

“You know I didn't become Anna's friend for Cedric-” I said, needing her to understand and believe me. I didn't want this to change the way she saw me as a woman.

“Oh honey, I know, and Anna will know that too. Anyone with eyes can see that my son irritated you when you first moved here.” Mrs. Helen laughed before adding. “He gets that all from his dad, I assure you.”

“Now see here, woman.” Mr. Glenn complained loudly, and I couldn't help the smile that was forming, and I couldn't stop the silent laugh that flew out of my mouth.


Even though my morning has been completely messed up, Cedric's parents are here sitting with me early in the morning, trying to make me laugh to replace the worrying.

My Man Series #1- My PolicemanWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt