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Grace knew how she was struggling with the risky pregnancy. She knew she wanted go be a mum. But she was scared she wasn't going to survive.

It was so hard for her to be pregnant as she wasn't excited. She felt like something was bound to go wrong. And she didn't want that.

She was scared that she was going to leave Tom to raise their babies on his own. And that's what upset her more than anything.

Things weren't easy. She knew that. And there had been a slight tension with her and Tom as neither one knew what to say about it.

Darcie had no idea about what was going on with her parents. But she wouldn't. She was only little. And Grace didn't want her daughter to know that there was tension between her mum and dad.

Grace wanted Darcie to be raised in a loving home. Not like hers where her parents were always fighting. It was the one thing she promised herself when she became a mum.

She knew that it wasn't easy. And that if she did manage to make it through, then she didn't want to have anymore children.

She wanted to focus on being a good mum to her kids. And didn't want the whole stress of another pregnancy.

All she knew was that she needed to somehow make it all work out in the end. And she just had to hope and pray that things went her way.

Morning came and she walked into the living room. Tom was there with Darcie. She smiled as she sat down with them. "Hey. What are we watching?" She asked.

"In the night garden. Daddy says I can watch this before I has to go schools," Darcie told her.

Grace smiled. She kissed her little girls head and looked to Tom. "Can I talk to you?" She asked.

Tom nodded. He sat Darcie on the sofa and walked into the kitchen with her. He smiled. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm just thinking. If I survive this pregnancy, then I don't want anymore babies. I just want it to be these two," she told him.

Tom smiled and nodded. "I can live with that. I don't want you being so worried again. It breaks my heart knowing you're struggling," he said.

"So we're agreed?"

"We're agreed. I love you."

"I love you too."


Grace and Tom went into work. Tom kissed her and walked off. Mia walked over. "Hey. How's it going?"

She asked.

Grace nodded. "It's going good. Tom and I have agreed. No more babies," she said. She smiled. "How's you and Max?"

Mia shook her head. "Don't ask. It's better if you don't ask," she told her.

"You had sex. Didn't you?"


Grace smirked and nodded. "I knew it. I knew you'd do it. There's too much tension between you both for you to not hook up," she told her.


Grace was sitting in the staff room. Karen walked in. She smiled. "Hi love. How are you?" She asked.

"I'm good."

Karen sighed. She knew Grace. And she knew she was lying. "You don't have to lie to me Grace. I know you. And I know you're keeping something from me," she told her.

Grace shook her head. "No. If you want to think that, carry on. I'm happy in my life. And nothing will change that," she told her as she stood and walked up.

Not knowing how she was soon going to be left fighting for her life.

Love of ours *Waterloo road*Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora