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BENEDICT BRIDGERTON waited for Bellatrix near the studio's location. He was clearly anxious, heartbeat speeding as he looked around,wating to finally take her inside.

He was rather well suite for the occasion, more informal, the shirt more losen, a strong cologone and a Don Juan smile across his face. All his charms woukd work that night, he thought, and this time h wouldn't look so much like a little boy and rather as a man before her.

"Excuse me young man, I am looking for Mr.Bridgerton." A forced low voice appeared behind him.

Benedict turned around, where an elegant male figure standed in the darkness. "Who are you?" Benedict asked curious, not recignizing the stranger until the man lifted up his face, revealing the expression hidden by the hat he wore. Those sparkling brown eyes and that smile that set his soul in fire. "Princess." He chuckled. "You look great!"

"Of course I do, either man as a woman I'd always look perfect." She teased and gave a little spin. "Do you think the plan will work?"

The plan consisted of Bellatrix, disguised as a fellow gentleman, Benedict's friend, yo enter the studio and enjoy the party as everyonr else. All she needed to do wad to keep her ckmposure and a masculine energy for a few hours, it shouldn't be so complicated.

"My brothers closthes are quite large on me, but I believe they are suitable enough, don't you think?"

"Truth be told, princess. I've never seen such an attractive man as you before." He chuckled.

"Then I believe I should be a dressed as prince for tonight." She smiled, enjoying the feeling of finally being allowed to wrar pants, so comfortable. "I shall be...Mercury."

"As the planet?" He laughed.

"It's an original and sophisticated name." She said instead.

"Well i suppose that'll have to do." He scoffed and walked up to her. "Shall we?"

Bella smiled excitedly and followed him until the studio. It was a large residence, the curtains closed gave no idea of what happened inside. Before they entered, Benedict whispered to her "keep your head down, don't look into their eyes, they can't know you're here."

"Why would my eyes give away?"

He looked at her and gave a short smile. "Because they'd never stop looking and praising how they resemble heaven in earth, princess. Now..." He offered his hand "Stay close."

Without hesitating, she held his hand, the feeling of his skin finally against hers gave the princess goosebumps, his hand was so soft yet large than hers, wrapping it with gentleness yet strentgh as the smell of liquor and ink filled her lungs.

What Bela visualized before her eyes was another layer of a world unknown to her. The saloon, filled in tons of yelow to darkness was lightned hy light candles, and the place was crowded with all kinds of people, noble to poor, all in some sort of reunion to freedom.

In some part of the house people would drink, others would dance to a small orchestra, and Bella had to hold her gasp once she glanced at a staircase where multiple couples made out in a desperate and spicy mannerism.

"My God..."She muttered under her breath as if she visualized a vision of hell unable to takr the smell of smoking out of her lungs from gentlemen that passed by.

Benedict noticed her tension and nervousness, quickly squeezing her tensr to reassure her "I know, it seems too much, but I promise you there's mucu more better than this." He whispers and leads her deeper into the residence.

He guides her through some hallways and a few people greet Benedict, as if they already met him often there. He remains wuiet, only givingnsome smiles as they finally reach a particular room morenquiet than the rest of the mansion.

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