Temporary Friends

Start from the beginning

"Shut up, Munson." You say and pull out one of the joints before you shove the bag in your school bag.

Eddie looks a little surprised when you light it and take a couple puffs before passing it to him.

"Why'd you stay?" He asks.

"I can leave." You say and start to get up.

"No." He says quickly. "Was just curious."

"Weed... And you looked too sad to leave out here alone."

"You really aren't going to be my friend?" He asks.

"It's really not something you should have to think that hard about." He says when you don't answer.

"It's not exactly a question that's easy to answer with the way you act."

"What if I make it up to you?"

"How?" You ask curiously.

"Meet me at your car after school."

"Alright. But, Munson." You say and lean over the table a little.

"Yeah?" He asks, leaning in with a small smile.

"You tell your friends you thawed me out and I'll break your fucking fingers in front of them."

"You heard that?" He asks a little embarrassed and leans back.

"I'm not deaf Munson."

Eddie's POV

I skipped the rest of my classes to work on Sam's Rover. Her starter was bad. Luckily the guys at the garage actually still like me so I got it at cost.

I've got everything put back and ready by the time she makes it out.

"So, how are you going to make up for being an ass, Munson?" She asks as she reaches me.

"You sleep in your car?" I ask, having seen pillows and blankets in the back.

"Sometimes. I got somewhere to be, what's up?"

"Give it a try." I say with a smile and open her door.

"I locked that." She says with confusion.

"You did."

I grin when she smiles a little and gets in.

The car starts without issue and she smiles wide.

"Not bad Munson."

"So, the party tonight?" I risk asking.

"I really do have somewhere I have to be."



My interest is piqued by her avoidance to actually answer.

"Where you going?"

"Job interview." She answers.

"Where at?"

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