we are so happy to have her

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I am holding Chloe and Regulus is feeding her . She is perfect. I am so lucky to be her mate. I will slaughter everyone who hurts her "prongs, you might want to wipe your chin be+fore the drool drips on Chloe ' Sirius teases I rolled my eyes but I quickly wipe it Chloe giggled it's music to my ears I kissed the top of her head " James, Regulus I know that you hate the whole school lusting after me but I need to play with what I got to win alies . You know flirting a little. Teasing. Dumbledore got his victory over Gellert Grindelwald and grandfatherly vibe.  Voldemort is playing into pureblood lunatics brainwashed people . Even though he is not one . That is just fucking ridiculous!! Just because his mom used Amortentia on his father and made him incapable to feel love doesn't mean that he has to start an war " Chloe signed she rolled her eyes, "HELL NO!! YOU HAVE GOOD INTENTIONS!!YOU ARE BRILLIANT AND YOU ARE POWERFUL!!"Regulus and I exclaimed in unison "Chloe has  an point guys, both of them have an angle. I know that you hate it but most of the school would do anything for Chloe. Narcissa Black who hate " mudbloods " is sitting with one just because she wants to be near Chloe. Before you try to argue with she just want to be around her cousins. Our whole time at Hogwarts. She never came and hung out with them " Evans said " we understand that but-" Chloe cut me off "James, Regulus I love you guys so much and everyone knows that ! I just do harmless flirting like Sirius does" she signed "that is exactly the problem Chloe! " Regulus and I said " Chloe is an amazing manipulator, take after mom and grandma but she is way nicer than them when she does it " Joshua said as he eats he shrugged " I don't want to manipulate but sometimes it is necessary " Chloe " like an true Slytherin " Regulus, Sirius and Narcissa said in unison "thank you " Chloe signed I look at Chloe like she is insane " that isn't an compliment Chloe!!" I said she smiled innocently" only to you sweetie but we have to my Slytherin side to win  ,just be grateful for I am using it for good " she signed I look at the pothers and they nodded furiously agreeing with Chloe she would be terrifying to go against " Alright we are following your orders but if someone touches you in any way .we will slaughter them and gladly go to Azkaban 'Regulus and I said in unison Lily scoffed, " oh please,Regulus is a Black who's family specializes in torture of children and you are the leader of the Marauders the school 's pranksters, they saw you bullied Severus! They want Chloe but nobody wants to cross you guys more " she said
.iRegulus 'pov
Evans has a point. Nobody will never try to touch Chloe because they are scared of us. Unfortunately mother and Bellatrix made us to practice torture methods on innocent muggles and muggle borns! and everyone saw Potter bully Severus for being Evans 'friend "you guys are idoits!! You supposed to be the future kings¡!!  You can't kill people who want me!! You have to be smart and political. And killing people without an legitimate reason is beyond stupid!! We can't deal with your idoitic jealously " Chloe signed I think her eyes turned gold for an second James and I look at Chloe confused " Sweetheart  ,we are sorry. We trust you but we can't trust anyone who wants you. Everyone ether wants to fuck you or to be fucked by you " I said I thumb to my cousins Potter and I glared at them Narcissa and Andromeda sighed " you guys really can't blame us for wanting her" Narcissa said " she is gorgeous, funny, sweet and very powerful! She is perfect " Andromeda said Sirius scooted away from them " can you please stop giving reasons for them to kill you cousins ?"He asked he sighed Chloe rolled her eayes" I know what they are thinking, I can read people 's minds remember. Yes it's disturbing but we can't control people and what they want. But remember that you guys are the only ones who can actually fuck me" she signed Joshua and Sirius groaned "do you remember that we were here right?? YOUR BROTHERS!!"they said in unison Chloe rolled her eyes "oh please at least I am not talking about in detail what Regulus and I did last night ght "she signed " we are going to talk to Evan and some people "they said in unison they ran away Evans laughed stood up too"i will talk to Xenophilius, wish me luck. That boy is always going on about ridiculous fantasy creatures "she said " we have some good friends who doesn't want to follow ether Dumbledore or the dark lord " Andromeda said " they are not good or evil. They just want to survive the war !"Narcissa said they left Chloe sighed " we need bring the process of divorce to the Wizarding world. Regulus can you tell us that Orion is happy with Walburga?" She signed they only married to keep the black family pure"no, Father hates her. His parents forced him to get married to her" I said "none of us should be forced into a arranged loveless marriages. Everyone should be happy with their partner like I am with you guys " she signed Potter kissed the top of her head while I kissed her knuckles "we are so fucking happy to be with you " we said in unison

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