Chapter 11

309 11 5

• Swearing

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Akaza's POV:
I was training at my dojo, when I heard a knock on the door. I went to go check to see who it was. When I went to check, I saw Koku standing at my door.

Koku: "Akaza I'm ready to train with you now."

I had totally forgotten that we were going to train together.

Akaza: "Oh yea! Alright, come in."

Koku entered and we got started. He taught me how to kick higher, and how to avoid most attacks.

We trained for a while to the point we we're starting to sweat.

Koku: "Well done Akaza. I think that's enough for you, you look like a mess."

Koku was right, I was drenched in sweat from all the training I did. So I thanked him and told him that he can go.

I decided to go get cleaned up, till I heard another knock.

I was confused and thought it was Koku and he had forgotten something.

So I went to open the door, but it wasn't Koku who was at the door. It was Douma..?

I was going to slam the door, but Douma was leaning on it. In frustration I asked him what he wanted.

Akaza: "What the f#ck are you doing here? And what do you want Douma? 💢"

Douma: "Ouch! That was rude Akaza~"

Douma was making a sad face as he was talking.

Akaza: "Douma if you're here to disturb me, then just f#ck off-"

Douma: "Why the f#ck did I see Koku leave your dojo?"

I just stared at Douma for a while before saying something to him.

Akaza: "W-we were just training.."

Douma didn't seem too happy. Then out of nowhere he pinned me to a wall with both of my hands over my head.

Akaza: "W-what are you doing..?"

Douma just chuckled and stared at me and said..

Douma: "I think someone needs a punishment~."

Words: 347

Sorry this was short. I don't have a lot of ideas right now..

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