Chapter 2

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Gusion continued to engage in mischief, occasionally sneaking out of the academy to practice his unconventional combat techniques. One day, while exploring the outskirts of the academy, he stumbled upon Lesley silently observing Harley's magical prowess and her precise shots.

Intrigued by Lesley's skills and the symbiotic dance between her bullets and Harley's magic, Gusion decided to approach her. "You've got a unique way of blending shadows with magic, Lesley. I like it," he said, a mischievous grin playing on his lips.

Lesley, ever the stoic sniper, glanced at Gusion with a hint of suspicion. "And who might you be, interrupting my work?"

"Gusion, at your service," he replied, performing a playful bow. "I'm not interested in the typical magic of my family; I seek something more... dynamic. How about we team up? I bring my agile sword skills, and you continue your silent dance with the shadows."

Gusion's mischievous smile lingered as Lesley considered his proposition. The moonlight illuminated their surroundings, casting shadows on the path ahead.

Lesley, with the weight of her past, spoke softly, "Gusion, my skills were honed in the fires of loss and duty. I've taken lives to protect those I care about."

Gusion's eyes reflected curiosity, "Yet, you cloak yourself in shadows. There's a story behind those dark arts, Lesley."

She nodded, "Indeed. I've become the silent guardian of my adopted brother, Harley. His magic wreaks havoc, and my shots bring balance."

Gusion's playful demeanor shifted, sensing the depth of Lesley's commitment. "I left the magic realm to craft my own destiny. Let our skills intertwine, a dance between light and shadows."


Lesley and Gusion's partnership evolved, blending precision and agility. In the Land of Dawn, tales spread of a mysterious duo, a sniper's silent shots harmonizing with a dancer's swift strikes.

Gusion, reflecting on his departure from the magical lineage, shared with Lesley, "I sought more than the predictable path of my family's magic. I craved the dynamic, the unpredictable."

Lesley understood, "In the unpredictability, we find strength. Harley's magic, my silent shots, and your agile dance – a trio of unpredictable forces."

MLBB LOVESTORY: A Land of Dawn TaleWhere stories live. Discover now